News Update

Energy Day of 2010 Shanghai Expo Successfully Organized by SARI and UNUK
date: 2010-07-21
On July19th 2010, Energy Day of 2010 Shanghai Expo, which was jointly organized by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Nottingham (UNUK) was successfully held in ZEDPavilion. Over 70 scholars or representatives from UNUK, SARI, GuangZhou Institute of Energy Conversion of CAS, Institute of Coal Chemistry of CAS, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, the Indian government's environment engineering research institute as well as winners of CHEVENING scholarship took part in this event.
Energy Day focused on the theme of low-carbon and sustainable development. Participants exchanged views on low-carbon energy society from the perspective of technology, environment, economy and social culture and put forward suggestions to promote cooperation in this area between China and Great Britain.
Prof. Chris Rudd who is in charge of technology transfer, business development as well as Expo arrangements of UNUK, and Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President of SARI, introduced the major researches, international cooperation and related research fruits about sustainable development of respective organization.
Prof. Colin Snape from Chemical technology and chemical engineering School UNUK made a speech named sustainable energy and low-carbon strategy of Britain, while Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, made a speech named Strategy of Introducing low-carbon spirit into Coal conversion in China. Prof. WU Chuangzhi, Director of Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion made a speech called New Energy and Renewable Energy as a special guest.
Prof. HUANG Weiguang, Vice President of SARI and director of clean energy technology center of CAS, Prof. Greg Asher, Deputy Dean of Engineering School UNUK, Prof. LI Kexin, director of Low-carbon City Research Center of SARI, Dr. LIU Hao from sustainable energy research center of University of Nottingham, Engineering School made speeches on the topic of Green Smart Grid and Low-carbon Society.
In the event, Mr. XU Xueyuan, Winner of CHEVENING scholarship and Director of department of North American and oceanian affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and researchers from University of Nottingham conducted dialogue with experts in terms of policies and measures of low-carbon and sustainable development in China and Britain.
This event effectively promoted communication and cooperation between researchers, policy-makers and business entrepreneurs from China and Britain, which made people from different culture background understand the problems, methods, strategy and research fruits of approaching low-carbon economy in East and West. This event played a vital role in tackling challenges of future sustainable development.