News Update

CAS President BAI Chunli Inspected SARI
date: 2011-04-05

On March 29th, President BAI Chunli and Vice President JIANG Mianheng of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute.

BAI Chunli listened to the report of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute for preparatory work. FENG Songlin, President of Preparatory Committee of SARI, introduced the research progress, industrialization progress, university construction and “innovation 2020” plan on behalf of the Preparatory Committee.

BAI Chunli was impressed with the rapid development of SARI in a short time and looked forward to SARI’s making great achievements in this new land. BAI Chunli said that the preparatory work of SARI should be combined with the “innovation 2020” of Chinese Academy of Sciences, highlighting the key point, providing technical support for national strategic emerging industries, strengthening high technology innovation and industrialization, and focusing on front-line scientists and mechanism innovation.

BAI Chunli pointed out that based on the mechanism innovation of the combination of “policy, production, study, research and application”, SARI should keep moving, seriously think about ways to combine research with industrialization, research institute and education, actively explore more effective incentive mechanism, and serve as a role for Chinese Academy of Sciences’ serving as the “leading engine” for building an innovative country.

The report was hosted by ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Director of General Office and Party Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences Ms. LI Ting, Director of Construction Headquarters of Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park, Chinese Academy of Sciences Mr. HUA Renchang, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Chinese Academy of Sciences Mr. XU Weihua, President Assistant and Director of Infrastructure Management Department of Shanghai Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences Mr. CHEN Xiaoliang, Director of Information and Publicity Department of Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc. accompanied the inspection.