News Update

Prof. Yury Gogotsi of Drexel University Visited SARI
date: 2011-07-27


On July 26, 2011, Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Director of A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute and Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair of Materials Science and Engineering, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch and Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President of SARI, received Prof. Gogotsi and held a meeting with him.

Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan extended his warm welcome to Prof. Gogotsi, and introduced the main function of CAS Shanghai Branch and the research areas of relevant institutes. Prof. JIANG Biao made an introduction of SARI and its development plan. Prof. Yury Gogotsi expressed his thanks for the warm welcome, and presented on the research areas of A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute, including water desalination and disease treatment, etc.

Prof. GUO Fang, Director of Center for Nano-medicine and Translational Medicine of SARI, made a presentation on the research activities of the center. The two sides exchanged views regarding nano-materials, nano-medicine and technology transfer, etc.

After the meeting, Prof. Gogotsi visited the Energy Storage Technology Research Lab, accompanied by Prof. Yang Hui, Head of the Lab, and conducted in-depth discussion regarding potential collaboration on energy storage and nano-meterials.