News Update

Strategic Collaboration Agreement Signed between SARI and CSST
date: 2011-11-01

On October .29, 2011, the Strategic Collaboration Agreement between Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc. (CSST) was signed in Shenzhen by Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Mr. TU Guoshen, PresidentChairman of the Board of CSST.

Prof. FENG and Mr. TU addressed at the Signing Ceremony and both appreciated the collaboration in building smart cities and future prospects. The Ttwo parties visited CSST Industrial Park after the Ceremony.

Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, Mr. QIAN Wenguo, Director of Academy-Locality Department and Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of SARI, and counterparts from CSST also attended the ceremony.

Signing Ceremony

Inspecting the Industrial Park