News Update

SARI and Weihai Municipal Government Signed A Strategic Cooperation Agreement
date: 2012-02-16

The signing ceremony of the Locality-Academy Strategic Alliance Cooperative Agreement between Weihai Municipal Government and Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was held in Weihai on February 11th 2012, hosted by Deputy Mayor of Weihai Mr. Dong jinyou. Ms. Zhang Hui, Mayor of Weihai, Mr. Xu Lianxin, Deputy Mayor, Mr. Tuan Guliang, CEO of Northern Electronic Group Co., Ltd., a large-scale state-owned company, and Mr. Feng Songlin, head of SARI preparation group, etc. were present at the ceremony.

Mayor Zhang Hui expressed her good wishes to the all-round strategic cooperation between the two sides in her speech, hoping SARI and Northern Electronic Group would provide other enterprises in Weihai, traditional enterprises in particular, with intellectual and technical support and transform their research results into productivity in Weihai so as to make Weihai a “role model city” of SARI’s locality-academy cooperation practice. Mr. Feng Songlin indicated that SARI would take the collaboration with Northern Electronic Group as a breakthrough and carry out each joint project in a down-to-earth way, making contributions to Weihai’s economic and social development and its smart city construction.

After the two sides signed the Locality-Academy Strategic Alliance Cooperative Agreement, Northern Electronic Group signed another cooperative agreement with Sensing Application Technology R&D Center of SARI to jointly set up Weihai Center, a branch office of the latter in Weihai, which will focus on the research of key technologies, products, systems, solutions, and business models based on sensor networks.

Leaders from eleven municipal commissions and bureaus of Weihai, such as Development and Reform Commission, Economic and Information Commission, Bureau of Science and Technology, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Bureau of Finance and so on, along with the members of the joint coordination leading group of Weihai Municipal Locality-Academy Cooperation and the principal persons from Weihai High-tech Development Zone, Northern Electronic Group and the related divisions of SARI, attended the signing ceremony.