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SARI Successfully Co-organized “2012 Pujiang Innovation Forum” Industry Forum
date: 2012-11-23

The grand opening of 2012 Pujiang Innovation Forum, jointly hosted by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and Shanghai Municipal PeopleA's Government, was held in Pudong, Shanghai on November 3, 2012, with the theme of "2012 Industrial Evolution and Innovation Eco-System".
As a partner of this Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) co-organized one of the nine forums, the Industry Forum: New Technology, New Industry (Information Technology). Professor FENG Songlin, President of SARI-CAS chaired the sub-forum, Prof. WU Jiangxing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the National Digital Switching System Engineering Technology Research Center, Mr. George S. Capen, Chief Technology Officer of Envisioneering, Mr. LIU Changle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd., ZHENG Yelai, President of IT Production Line of Huawei Technologies, and Mr. Tsutomu Kamimura, Distinguished Engineer of Rational Chief Technology officer for Asia Pacific of IBM Software Group were invited as keynote speakers. During the session, the keynote speakers shared their views and thoughts regarding the development trend, integration application and new industry cultivation in information technology sector, and discussed with the audience around topics of interests.

Prof. FENG Songlin hosting Industry Forum of Information Technology

Academician WU introduced the technology "Visual Light Communications", which has drawn the attention from the whole world lately, in his speech " Green Info-communication shines over the land". He pointed out that Visual Light Communications is a strategic emerging industry, which deserved integrated support policy and capital input to push forward "overtaking around the Curve". From Prof. WU's perspective, Visual Light Communications is becoming a strategic emerging industry, which will help to upgrade traditional industry, cultivate emerging industry, innovate business mode and develop service industry. Currently, growing popularity of mobile communications has led to the problem of capacity limitation of wireless frequency resource. The discovery of "green light" is expected to overcome the bottleneck, and let people get access to the Internet in the area with light at any time as well as download and upload large-volume data. He also mentioned that this technology has received extensive attention in developed countries. For example, the EU has launched a plan called "OMEGA", the United States National Science Foundation also invested in its research and development. In China, national "863 Program " project to develop this technology has already been approved.

Academician WU is delivering a speech

Chief Technology Officer and E—Ring Consulting strategic planning Director of Envisioneering Mr. George S. Capen delivered a speech on The development trend of information technology and its impact on military and industry. He reviewed the development of information technology and made some prospects of the future development of information technology. He thought there would be several levels: human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, assistance in decision making, digital manufacturing, biological gene technology, etc.

Mr. George S. Capen from Envisioneering

Chairman and CEO of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd., Mr. LIU Changle started his speech from talking about the new product release of Apple. He illustrated the challenges and opportunities Phoenix Satellite Television faced during the third industrial revolution with many vivid examples. He emphasized the importance of information technology such as cloud computing in the development of new media, and pointed out the key role talents and innovation would play in future media competition with a focus on introducing what Phoenix Satellite TV had done to train all-round media talents and the great impact it had on the development of Phoenix. He also outlined and presented the audience future new media's coverage in everyone's daily life.

Mr. LIU Changle from Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd

President of IT Production Line of Huawei Technologies Mr. ZHENG Ye addressed on the topic of "Adhere to R&D investment and customer-oriented innovation". In addition to the introduction of Huawei Technologies, he also made prospects of some technologies and products for future development in the field of Information Technology such as that application of cloud computing, large-volume data, etc.

Mr. ZHENG Ye from Huawei Technologies

After that, Distinguished Engineer of Rational Chief Technology officer for Asia Pacific of IBM Software Group Mr. Tsutomu(Tom)Kamimura discussed the topic of IT innovation, including the driven forces of IT innovation and the impact on some industries. In his opinion, open computing, including open standards, open structure, open source, is the key factor to drive IT innovation in the Internet Revolution. Tom also interpreted IT's impact on national defense by using IBM as an example and emphasized that the establishment of a powerful IT network ecosystem is the direction both for national defense technology platform construction and IBM development.

Mr. Tsutomu(Tom)Kamimura from IBM

The Q&A section in the end helped the audience better understand the topics covered in the forum and in-depth exchanges and discussions were conducted.

Q&A section