News Update

SARI Passed Acceptance Check
date: 2012-11-28

On November 27th, 2012, the Acceptance Check Meeting of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was held in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. President of CAS Bai Chunli and Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai Yang Xiong, President of CAS Shanghai Branch Jiang Mianheng, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Shen Xiaoming attended the meeting, which was chaired by CAS Vice President Shi Erwei.
The acceptance check committee listened to SARI's preparation progress report and the report of previous special projects acceptance check, reviewed and passed the acceptance check conclusion, followed by announcing SARI's first-term leadership and awarding individuals who had contributed much to the preparation work. Bai Chunli issued SARI's institute certificate, and unveiled SARI plate together with Yang Xiong.
On behalf of Shanghai Government, Yang Xiong expressed his congratulations to SARI for successfully achieving preparation goals and smoothly passing the acceptance check. Yang Xiong pointed out that mobilizing the resources of CAS and Shanghai to push forward the founding of SARI is an important measure to follow the spirit of The 18th CPC National Congress and National Science and Technology Innovation Conference. Yang Xiong said that SARI has become an integral platform to improve Shanghai's independent innovation capability, cultivating and gathering talents, providing great opportunities for Shanghai’s science and technology reform and industrial restructuring.
Bai Chunli, on behalf of CAS, expressed his sincere thanks to all the parties who offered supports during SARI's preparation. Bai Chunli mentioned in his speech that CAS and Shanghai Government have established a strategic partnership for a long time, and the founding of SARI serves as a role model for the deep integration of knowledge innovation system and regional innovation system, which would advance the academy-locality cooperation to a new level.
According to 2008 CAS Leadership Meeting and the cooperation agreement between CAS and Shanghai Government, CAS and Shanghai Government made the decision to jointly establish Shanghai Advanced Research Institute. SARI pledges to engage in innovative researches and provide comprehensive solutions for the nation's emerging industries of strategic importance. By taking novel approaches that put in place elements of science, economics, education, finance, and culture, SARI is determined to grow into a world-renowned organization where creativity can thrive.
Currently, 150,000 square meters research facility construction has been completed and put in use, with 150 million Yuan worth research equipment in operation. SARI has established five research divisions, namely, Information Technology, Energy and Environment, Life Sciences, Space Technologies, and Frontier Studies & Advanced Materials, with around 800 staff consisting of talents from all over the world, and is competent of serving national strategy and supporting regional innovation system construction. SARI undertakes national major scientific research special projects, MOST 863 and 973 projects, and also innovation projects from CAS and Shanghai Government, also works closely with companies and academic organizations around the globe. SARI is joining forces with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Drexel University, etc. for advanced innovation and entrepreneurship training, collaborating with Shanghai Electric, Shell, Boeing, BP and Total, etc. on research projects, setting up joint research labs, joint venture companies or doing frontier science research.
The attending leaders all provided positive comments to SARI's preparation work, and expressed their hopes for the future development. SARI would take acceptance-check as the opportunity, carrying the spirit of The 18th CPC National Congress, make real efforts based on the Scientific Outlook on Development, closely follow regional economic and social development, conducting new technology research and development, new products verification and new results transfer, better serving national strategy, serving Shanghai's innovation driven transformation and development, making consistent contribution in major basic, strategic and frontier innovation initiatives.
Representatives from CAS Bureau of Planning & Strategy, Bureau of Capital Construction, Bureau of Academy-Locality Cooperation, Bureau of Planning and Finance, Bureau of Personnel and Education, Supervision and Auditing Bureau, Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, CAS Shanghai Branch and Shanghai Government, together with SARI researchers and management team attended the event.

 Conference Hall

President of CAS Bai Chunli

Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai Yang Xiong

Plate Unveiling

CAS Vice President Shi Erwei

Vice Mayor of Shanghai Shen Xiaoming