News Update

SARI Hosted “2012 China Smart City Summit”
date: 2012-12-28

The Grand Opening Ceremony of 2012 China Smart City Summit, guided by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Informationization Advancement Department of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China and Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informationization, hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Smart China Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute, and organized by Internet of Things-Smart City Media Institution, was held on December 14. CAS Shanghai Branch President Jiang Mianheng, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Ai Baojun delivered opening address, congratulated on the opening of the summit and wished the event a great success. The Opening Ceremony was hosted by President of SARI Feng Songlin.
The summit, with the theme of “China’s Smart City Construction and Application”, is dedicated to providing a platform for communication and integration of various participants from the government, industry, education and research institutes and end users. The summit also proposes to integrate production elements and innovation resources driven by science and technology resources, establishing the model of “Science and Technology + Industry”, with science and technology innovation and industrialization application as the main body, practicing the combination of industry-education-research, building smart city innovation industry chain. The attending experts agree that collaborative innovation based on the whole supply chain of smart city shall be the solution, realizing the overall match from the standards to application to achieve the construction goal of smart cities. The summit emphasizes on the five key words, namely, standards, integration, innovation, collaboration and application, all with positive realistic meaning.
During the summit, SAIR, Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute, and Smart City Information Technology Co., Ltd. announced the strategic cooperation, and in order to strengthen the global collaboration in smart city construction area, SARI and Institut Mines-Telecom also signed Smart City International Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.
The summit also arranged a round table panel discussion to promote the extensive exchange among government, research institutes and enterprises. Smart city evaluation index system 2.0 was released, which is an updated version based on system 1.0 published by Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute last year. A proposal for establishing China Smart City Industry and Application Promotion Union was also formally brought up during the event.
2012 China Smart City Summit enjoyed great popularity with 300 participants joined the discussion, including leaders from the government, universities and industry. The leaders and experts explored the new strategies, new thoughts, new models for creating smart cities and were well-received by the audience.