News Update

Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering Passed Assessment
date: 2013-01-23

January 16th, 2013--Experts from Bureau of High-tech Research and Development and Bureau of Planning and Finance of Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly organized an on-site review of Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering applied by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Experts composed of academician Bao Xinhe, academician Zhao Dongyuan, Professor Wang Jianguo and other well-known experts in related field listened to the laboratory work reports and academic reports, inspected the lab, reviewed relevant documents and conducted in-depth discussion about the laboratory's orientation with lab researchers. It was agreed by the Expert Review Panel that the Lab had met the fundamental requirements as a CAS Key Laboratory and can start its construction. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Liu Guiju of Bureau of High-tech Research and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Deputy Director Pan Feng of Bureau of Planning and Finance of Chinese Academy of Sciences and President Feng Songlin of SARI-CAS attended the meeting. 

Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering is the first CAS Key Laboratory under construction of SARI. Faced by the demand for low-carbon hybrid energy system, the Lab focuses on research and development of core technology and technology integration of the green carbon conversion and utilization of carbon-containing resources such as natural gas, biomass and coal, and aims to provide both technical supports and low carbon solution for the alternative energy and chemicals. In the past 3 years, the laboratory has made impressive progress in Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane to Produce Syngas, Synthetic Oil in FT Slurry Bed Reactor, Mixed Alcohols Synthesis from Syngas and Methanol, Membrane Catalyzed Reaction and Separation. Some of the results are ready for pilot work. The lab has undertaken a total of 27 projects from 973 Program, 863 Program, National Key Technology R&D Program, National Natural Science Foundation, Strategic Leading Projects of CAS, international energy companies ( such as Shell, BP and Total ) and domestic energy companies ( such as Shenhua and Lu'an Group). 

Experts and leaders form CAS thought highly of the progress and achievements made by the Lab. In the meanwhile, they put forward requirements and expectation for its future development. Lab researchers expressed their gratitude to the leaders and experts, and promised to take advantage of this opportunity to make contributions to the disciplinary construction and talent cultivation of low-carbon energy and China's energy and chemical industry.