News Update

International Symposium on Grand Challenges for the Integration of Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Biomanufacturing successfully held
date: 2013-06-05

On June3-4, 2013, the International Symposium on Grand Challenges for the Integration of Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Biomanufacturing – Look for Synergies, organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) and Drexel University was successfully held in SARI, Shanghai, China. This symposium was sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Drexel University, the Chinese Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), the Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society-Biomanufacturing Division, the International Society of Biofabrication, and Tsinghua Biomanufacturing Engineering Research Institute. The symposium was co-organized by Dr. Wei Sun, the Albert Soffa Chair Professor from Drexel University and Director of Drexel-SARI Center, Dr. Lingsong Li, Director of Stem Cell and Nanomedicine Center from Shanghai Advanced Research Institute and Dr. Yury Gogotsi, Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair from Drexel University. About a hundred of distinguished professors and researchers from China, USA, Japan, France and South Korea have attended the symposium. Dr. Zhonglin Wang, the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Regents' Professor from Georgia Institute of Technology, Professor Sheng Ding from University of California San Francisco, Professor Jong-Young Kwak from Dong-A University, Professor Fabien Guillemot from University Bordeaux Segalen, Professor Yasuyuki Sakai from University of Tokyo, Professor Jiang Chang from China Academy of Sciences, Professor Yury Gogotsi from Drexel University, as well as other 23 leading scholars delivered the presentations on their latest research advancements in stem cells, nanomaterials and biomanufacturing.

In the opening ceremony on June3, Vice President Xu Zhang from Chinese Academy of Science of Shanghai Branch, Vice Provost Julie Mostov from Drexel University, and Vice President Jiarui Wu from Shanghai Advanced Research Institute addressed welcome remarks. Musicians from Philadelphia Orchestra gave a splendid performance. During the two-day meeting, invited speakers presented their cutting-edge research on Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Bio-manufacturing, followed by in-depth discussions around of topics of common interests. Experts and scholars explored the grand challenges in relevant areas and the interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. On the afternoon of June 4, the symposium attendees also visited the Drexel-SARI Center and the Stem Cell and Nano-Medicine Center of SARI.

Photograph of the whole attendees

  Vice President Xu Zhang addressing the welcome remarks

  Julie Mostov addressing the welcome remarks

Vice President Wu jiarui giving a speech

Professor Sun Wei giving remarks

  Players from Philadelphia Orchestra performing 

Professor Zhonglin Wang giving the presentation

Professor Yury Gogotsi giving remarks