News Update

2013 Summer Camp successfully held
date: 2013-07-25

To promote its influence among China’s key universities and attract more outstanding students, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences(SARI-CAS) organized “2013 Summer Camp” from 15th July to 19th July. This Summer Camp attracted 372 students from Fudan University, Wuhan University, Jilin University, Nanjing University, Dongnan University, Shandong University, Sichuan University, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, among which nearly 80 students were chosen to attend the Summer Camp.
President Feng Songlin attended the opening ceremony on 16th July and expressed warm welcome to all the students on behalf of SARI. He introduced SARI’s background, history and characteristics and expected more outstanding graduates would join SARI in the future. Vice Director of S&T Development Department Meng Yan introduced SARI’s nine key research areas.

In the afternoon, the students visited SARI’s S&T Showroom, Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, Service Science Center, Bio-refinery Science Lab, CIEN (City Intelligent Energy Network) Demonstration and tried its Electric-Vehicle(EV)based on the comprehensive power supply of hybrid wind/photovoltaic.

The next day, Vice President Wu Jiarui, Researchers Wang Hui and Yang Hui well illustrated SARI’s key research areas: Health Science, IT and Chemistry & Chemical Industry; how to apply for CAS graduates and its future prospects. Vice President Sun Yuhan was invited to make a speech of “Green Energy of Pan-Pacific”, which aroused great interest from students about resource features of China and North America, and a win-win solution to achieve low-carbon world.

On July.18th, Mr. Ning Dejun, Director of Smart City Research Center and former CTO of IBM Greater China delivered a speech on “life as a researcher in SARI”, in which he combined his own experience to tell the students how to form good habits when doing technological researches and how to stick to one’s dream.

Prof. Gong Jingkang from ShanghaiTech University gave a brief introduction of the University’s background, characteristics and joint-training program with SARI.

Summer Camp Get-together in the afternoon pushed the event into the climax. Students took this great chance to showcase their fabulous performance such as singing, dancing, martial arts, etc.

On the last day, experts from SARI were divided into three areas to interview the 60 students, trying to find excellent students for SARI’s 2013 Postgraduate Program.
Students spent a nice time in SARI. They not only got to know SARI, but also experienced postgraduates’ daily life. This Summer Camp experience is sure to be unforgettable to all the attendees.