News Update

The 1st COPSEE International Conference Successfully Held in SARI
date: 2013-11-25

    The first COPSEE International Conference of Big Data, co-organized by SEARCH’XPR and CAS Data, hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institution (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was held in the conference hall of SARI, in Nov 22, 2013.

Address from President Feng

Address from Chairman Olivier FIGON

    This international conference, focused on the discussion of data collection, storage, sharing, data-mining and application, had drawn attention of the top researchers and business executives related to Big Data. As a support to this international conference, Dr. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, made an opening speech, and officials from the Business and Technological departments of the French General Consulate of Shanghai attended the conference.


Keynote Speakers

    In terms of technology development trend, various experts shared their opinions.  Mr. Yannick LEGRé from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) highlighted the challenges and opportunities in the context of data explosion.  Prof. Chirine GHEDIRA from Université de Lyon introduced the intelligent distributed data storage solutions; Mr. ZHANG Feng from EMC analyzed the challenge & impact of different information infrastructure; Prof. Jean-Luc MARINI from SEARCH’XPR introduced a brilliant future of Big Data, with the application of cognitive psychology on the analysis and prediction of customer emotion and behavior.
    In terms of industry applications, experts from key industries also provided very insightful speeches.  Mr. NING Dejun introduced the ambitious smart city project with support of Big Data technologies; Mz. WANG Mingmin from Oriental Cable Network (OCN) and Mr. CHEN Yunwen from SHENDA presented the latest projects of their content recommendation system based on the database of customer behavior.  Mr. ZHAO Xiaohui from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport introduced the Big Data project of aviation industry in order to keep up with the major challenges of flight data integration, multi-user interface and the global regulation requirements.  Mr. Olivier FIGON presented the latest technology of Big Data analysis, in order to shorten the period of consumer decision making, and increase the impulse of purchase.


    The COPSEE conference adopted various ways to encourage all kinds of interactions between the speakers and audience.  During the online broadcast and on-site roundtables, experts and professors from China’s top universities including ShanghaiTech University, Fudan University,The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, etc, and executives from top Chinese and global companies had a comprehensive discussion on the development of Big Data, and discussed the possible collaboration regarding big data.


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