News Update

Shell Delegation Visited SARI
date: 2013-11-28

On November 26, a delegation led by Prof. Gert Jan Kramer, Manager Energy Futures in Shell’s Projects & Technology Organization, visited SARI and gave an academic lecture on “The Energy Transition: The Journey Towards a Low-Carbon Energy System”. Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan received the delegation and hosted the lecture. Researchers from energy and environment related areas in SARI as well as some professors and students from ShanghaiTech University joined the event.

Prof. Sun warmly welcomed the delegation and thanked Prof. Gert Jan Kramer for taking the time out of his busy schedule to deliver a lecture for young researchers. Prof. Kramer analyzed the topics of changes in the world's future energy changes, sustainable energy development of China and Shell’s energy strategy in a macro perspective, and had a heated discussion with the audience about Shell's energy strategy, prospects of renewable energy and Carbon Capture, Utilization and StorageCCUS.

After the lecture, Prof. Kramer exchanged ideas on hybrid energy systems with related researchers in Low Carbon Center and visited the lab.