News Update

Shell Award for Excellence-Inspiring Students for Energy Innovation
date: 2015-04-23

A delegation led by Shell CTO Mr. Yuri Sebregts visited SARI and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering “Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation” on April 22, 2015. President Feng Songlin, Vice President Sun Yuhan and Wang Maohua received the delegation. 

Prof. Sun Yuhan showed the delegation around CAS Key Laboratory for Low-Carbon Energy Conversion and Engineering and introduced SARI’s strategy in low-carbon energy conversion, followed by a brief introduction of CAS Pudong Science & Technology Park and SARI’s strategic layout made by Mr. Wang Maohua. Shell Vice President of Future Energy Technologies Mr. Chris Laurens delivered an academic lecture on the Future of the Energy System, which had attracted nearly 70 researchers and students to attend. 

After the lecture, Prof. Feng Songlin and Mr. Yuri Sebregts signed the MoU of “Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation” on behalf of SARI and Shell. 

SARI and Shell signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement under the heading of "Frontier Sciences" on 27th April, 2013 for the exploratory research and emerging technology research and development in the area of energy and environment. This Award aims to stimulate and reward excellence in innovation and scientific exploration by Chinese PhD students in the field of energy and researchers engaged in the Shell Frontier Sciences Program.  

 MoU Signing Ceremony


Mr. Chris Laurens's giving the lecture


Conference Room


Lab Visit