Exchange & Visit

Delegation from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Visited SARI
date: 2011-04-12

On April 8th, 2011, a delegation from The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil led by Prof Sérgio álvaro de Souza Camargo Jr. visited our institute. Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of CAS received visitors and held a meeting with the delegation.

Firstly, Prof. JIANG Biao extended warm welcome to the delegation and introduced SARI’s status quo and future plan. Dr. Habert appreciated the warm reception and introduced The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and its ongoing programs. Prof. HE Tao, Director of Membrane Materials and Separation Engineering Lab, Prof. GUO Fang, Director of Center for Nanomedicine and transformational medicineintroduced the research and development trend in their respective fields.

After that, the two parties conducted in-depth exchanges of ideas in such areas as status and prospects of Science and technology, the R&D of membrane technology and nanomedicienas well as technology transfer, etc. Initial common ground for cooperation in some areas had been achieved.

Researchers from areas of Energy and Environment, and Life Sciences in SARI also attended the meeting.