Exchange & Visit

Professor from Technology University of Troyes Visited SARI
date: 2011-06-23

On June 15, 2011, at the invitation of Dr. ZHANG Hongguang, associate researcher of Center for Urban Public Safety, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Prof. Hichem Snoussi from Technology University of Troyes (UTT) visited SARI. Prof. ZHANG Hongjun, Director of Center for Urban Public Safety and staff from International Cooperation Department received the delegation.


After a brief introduction from both sides, Prof. Hichem Snoussi made an academic report on the topic of Wireless Sensor Network Information Processing. Then, two sides conducted in-depth discussion in such areas as Collaborative Information Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Intelligent Video Monitoring, etc. The two sides also exchanged ideas in terms of project cooperation, talent exchange and joint training, and discussed potential cooperation opportunities.