Exchange & Visit

The Initial Research Projects of SCENMRC Launched
date: 2011-11-21

On November 18, the initial projects launching ceremony of Shanghai Clean Energy and New Material Research Center (SCENMRC) and CO2 Solutions Seminar among Accelergy Corporation, Elion Resources Group Company and Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) was held at Elion's headquarters in Beijing.

The four collaboration agreements of research and development signed by Mr. TIAN Jisheng, Vice President of Elion and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, come into effect on December this year and last for three years.
Mr. Rocco Fiato, Chief Technology Officer of Accelergy attended the signing ceremony and exchanged ideas with experts present about solutions to deal with CO2.

Mr. WANG Wenbiao, Board Chairman of Elion held a discussion with attendees about the development of low carbon green energy and ecological environment in desert region of northwest and expressed his expectation for the cooperation with Accelergy and the initial launching projects.