Exchange & Visit

Drexel-SARI Center Unveiling Ceremony Held
date: 2012-06-07

On June 6th, the unveiling ceremony of Drexel-SARI Center was held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. JIANG Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch and Prof. John A. Fry, President of Drexel University, unveiled the Drexel-SARI Center plate together. Robert Griffiths Consulate General of the United States of America Shanghai, China, Philadelphia Orchestra President Allison Vulgamore, Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, Prof. JIANG Biao and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice Presidents of SARI, Prof. Mark Greenberg, Provost and Senior Vice President, Prof. Deb Crawford and Julie Mostov, Vice Provosts of Drexel, attended the event.

During his speech, Dr. JIANG thanked John A. Fry for what he had done to the successful establishment of the joint center and hoped that the center could inspire innovative young scientists to make more contributions and create a more prosperous world of bright future under the motto of "cooperation, innovation, dedication, contribution and inspiration."

President John A. Fry expressed his gratitude to President JIANG for the care and support to the construction of the joint center. He hoped the center could promote scientific communication and cooperation between SARI and Drexel University to better serve the society.
"SARI is committed to the original and integrated innovation of international scale while Drexel University owns rich educational and research resources. Through the platform, the two parties will carry out a series of collaboration on R&D and education. " Prof. FENG said in his speech.

Robert Griffiths spoke highly of the cooperation between SARI and Drexel, and mentioned that US Consulate would provide all necessary support to encourage the cooperation between US and China. Allison Vulgamore stressed the importance of collaboration among research, education and arts, followed by a performance by musicians from Philadelphia Orchestra.
Drexel-SARI center is co-founded by SARI-CAS and Drexel University for the purposes of promoting visits of faculties and students, exploring joint research projects of commercial prospects, joint training of under-graduate and post-graduate students, Co-op, scientific training, seminars and other activities.
After the ceremony, the book release for the Chinese version of The Man Who Made Wall Street was held. The book, wrote by Dan Rottenberg, is about the life of the financial giant and founder of Drexel University Anthony J.Drexel.