Exchange & Visit

EPSRC Engineering Doctoral Summer School 2012 China Successfully Held
date: 2012-07-09

   From July 2nd to 4th 2012, the EPSRC Engineering Doctoral Summer School 2012 China, sponsored by EPSRC EngD Centre on Efficient Power from Fossil Energy and Carbon Capture Technologies, the University of Nottingham, and co-organized by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences was successfully held in Shanghai. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, Prof. Colin E. Snape, Director of Engineering Doctor Centre for Efficient Power from Fossil Fuels and Carbon Capture Technologies and Director of Energy Technology Research Institute of University of Nottingham, and Prof. WEI Wei, Director Assistant of ICC, attended the event. More than 30 PhD students from UK universities including University of Birmingham, University College London and University of Nottingham, and 30 PhD students from Chinese universities and institutes such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, SARI, ICC, Qingdao Institute of Bio-energy & Bioprocess Technology, Institute of Rock & Soil Mechanics (IRSM) and Institute of Process Engineering, etc participated in the summer school.
   Prof. FENG kicked off the event with a welcome speech, in which he welcomed the students and faculty to SARI for the summer school event, and hoped that the students could have deep communication and discussion, contributing to the advancement of the development of clean fossil energy and low carbon technologies.

Prof. FENG delivering welcome speech

   Prof. SUN delivered a keynote speech titled “SARI’s solutions to Energy Challenge”, analyzed the energy challenges the world is facing and China’s energy distribution status, and introduced SARI’s research and demonstration projects around clean energy and low carbon technologies.

Keynote Speech by Prof. SUN Yuhan

   In his keynote speech, Prof. Colin Snape introduced the recent UK and European developments in coal and gas, and explored the future of clean fossil energy. Shell’s Senior Principal Scientist Alexander van der Made shared his views from the global perspective regarding energy transition, analyzing the energy resource distribution and utilization in the west and east, and proposed the energy area cooperation direction between the east and west. Prof. Kaoru Fujimoto from the University of Kitakyushu also presented on the selective synthesis of LPG from synthesis gas, and briefed on its theory and history.
   The attending students showed great interest in the keynote speeches and discussed with the experts on several technical issues, and also made oral presentations regarding their own paper posters. During the group discussion session, each group used their knowledge and experience to explore energy strategies, and reported on their findings. The experts and teachers provided comments on the performance of the students, and presented awards to students with excellent performance.
   During the summer school event, the delegation also visited the labs of Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Research Center of SARI, and discussed with the researchers on relevant research topics. Through the extensive study and exchange of views, keynote speeches, lab visit and group discussion, students from UK and China deepened the mutual understanding, enriched knowledge of clean energy and low carbon technologies, and gained insight for their future research projects.

Keynote Speech by Prof. Colin E. Snape

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Alexander van der Made

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Kaoru Fujimoto

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Joe Wood

 Conference Room

 Group Discussion