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ShanghaiTech-SIAIS Professor Appointment Ceremoy for Prof. Roger D. Kornberg, Nobel Laureate
date: 2012-11-14
On November 12th, ShanghaiTech-SIAIS (Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies) Professor Appointment Ceremony was held at Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Mianheng Jiang, President of CAS Shanghai Branch, presented Dr. Roger D. Kornberg, winner of 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, an Appointment Letter of SIAIS Professor.
Leaders of related departments of Shanghai Municipal government, heads of CAS Shanghai Branch as well as principals of ShanghaiTech were present at the ceremony, including Mr. Bojun Wang, Chief of Personnel Division of Organization Department of CPC Shanghai Committee, Mr. Xingfa Ma, Secretary-General of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Mr. Guoqing Fu, Director of the Basic Research Division of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Ms. Wei Li, Director of Planning Department of Shanghai Education Commission, Prof. Zhiyuan Zhu, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Mr. Zhenghua Li, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of CAS Shanghai Branch, Prof. Renchang Hua and Prof. Jinkang Gong, Leaders of ShanghaiTech University in Preparation, etc. Prof. Jie Yin, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission presided at the ceremony. Prof. Jiarui Wu, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), introduced the distinguished achievements made by Prof. Roger D. Kornberg in scientific research.
Prof. Mianheng Jiang awarded Dr. Kornberg the Appointment Letter of SIAIS Professor and extended a warm welcome to Prof. Kornberg’s participation. He pointed out in his speech that ShanghaiTech University would encourage a competitive academic environment to achieve not only the value chain of science, but also the value chain of economics. Prof. Kornberg expressed his deep gratitude and indicated that he would make a concrete contribution to SIAIS, ShanghaiTech in basic research with the international group.
Afterwards, Prof. Kornberg delivered an academic lecture titled "The Molecular Basis of Gene Transcription" in which he clearly demonstrated how DNA was transcribed to mRNA by RNA polymerase II. Also, Prof. Kornberg mentioned that he would carry out research towards the mechanism and regulation of gene transcription at SIAIS, ShanghaiTech University.
Related institutes affiliated to CAS Shanghai Branch as well as more than 80 experts and postgraduates from ShanghaiTech University attended the lecture, exchanging ideas on genetics with the professor.
On the same day, Professor Kornberg paid a visit to Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and inspected research facilities in SARI.
Roger D. Kornberg serves as professor of structural biology at Stanford University, School of Medicine with the emphasis on the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription. He is the winner of 2001 Welch Award in Chemistry, 2002 Gran Prix Charles-Leopold Mayer and 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.