Exchange & Visit

INRIA Chairman and CEO Visited SARI
date: 2012-12-19

December 13 2012, Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA) Chairman and CEO MICHEL COSNARD paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS). Professor Feng Songlin, President of SARI received the INRIA delegation and held a meeting with the visitors.

President Feng expressed his warm welcome to the INRIA delegation, and introduced SARI’s development progress, research areas, future development plan and collaboration with international partners. Director of International Relation Department of INRIA HéLèNE KIRCHNER presented on INRIA development strategy and relevant cooperation projects in China. Chairman MICHEL COSNARD congratulated on SARI’s achievements during the preparation period, and mentioned that both sides have similar research interests in IT area, especially in the topic of smart city research, hoping that both sides could explore cooperation through discussion. President Feng pointed out that SARI is a comprehensive research institute, aiming to bring industry, education and research together, and looked forward to cooperate with international partners like INRIA to push forward the advancement of technologies and industry.

The INRIA delegation also visited SARI’s research centers that focus on cloud computing, micro-nano devices and urban public safety, and discussed with researchers on relevant research topics.