Exchange & Visit

Agilent Technologies Board of Directors and Executives Visited SARI

On May 17, 2011, a delegation from the world’s premier measurement company Agilent Technologies, led by Non-executive Chairman James G. Cullen and President and Chief Executive Officer William P. Sullivan, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor FENG Songlin, President of SARI, received the delegation and held a meeting with the visitors.

FENG Songlin extended a warm welcome to Agilent’s management team, and introduced SARI’s development plan, China’s current science and technology condition and R&D trend, and the business cooperation between SARI and Agilent. The two parties then discussed SARI’s specific scientific research programs, talent cultivation and future development plan, etc. 
On behalf of Agilent,James G. Cullen expressed sincere thanks to SARI for the reception of the visiting Agilent team. He mentioned that Agilent valued the China market, that SARI had a great vision and bright future, and looked forward to further the cooperation to support the development of SARI. FENG Songlin pointed out that Agilent was a famous company with great products and a great team, and that SARI looked forward to strengthen the partnership with Agilent in the future.
After the meeting, FENG Songlin and the Agilent management team visited Center for Micro-Nano Devices of SARI. Professor ZHANG Zhaofeng, Director of the Center, presented the research activities and the application of Agilent products.

2011-05-19 more+

President and Provost of UCL Visited SARI

On May 12th 2011, a delegation led by Prof. Malcolm Grant, President and Provost of University of London (UCL) and Prof GUO Zhengxiao, Pro-Provost of UCL, visited SARI. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, received and held a meeting with the delegation.
Prof. FENG extended warm welcome to the delegation and gave a brief introduction about SARI’s current situation and future plan. Prof. Malcolm Grant appreciated the reception and introduced UCL’s history and its work on education and research. After that, the two sides exchanged ideas in such topics of common interests as technology transfer, talent nurturing, energy & environment, life science, etc. Prof. Malcolm noted that SARI had a bright future and had common ground with UCL in many areas, and hoped to strengthen cooperation with SARI in related areas. Prof. FENG shared the same opinion and looked forward to conducting discussion and collaboration with UCL in related areas. 
Established in 1826, UCL is a member of the elite Russell Group of Universities, and a part of the 'G5′ sub-group of super-elite UK universities with other four universities (The University of Oxford, The University of Cambridge, Imperial College London and London School of Economics). Prof. Malcolm Grant, a senior barrister and environmental lawyer, was awarded CBE in 2003. He worked as Professor of Law in Southampton University, University College London and The University of Cambridge. He served as Vice-president of Cambridge from 2002 to 2003 and became President of University College London since 2003.

2011-05-17 more+

A Delegation from Sony Visited SARI


On April 26, 2011, a delegation from Sony Corporation, led by Mr. Masato Abe, Director of Technology Development Department and System Software Development, paid a visit to SARI. Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department, received the delegation and held a meeting with the visitors.
Prof. CHEN welcomed Masato Abe and the Sony delegation, and made a brief introduction of SARI. Mr. Masato Abe introduced the condition and related scientific research programs of China Development Center of Information System and Software Development of Sony. Prof. CHEN and researchers from Public Safety Center of SARI exchanged views with representatives from Sony on science and technology topics and scientific topics of common interests. The two parties also conducted in-depth discussion regarding possible collaboration around City Intelligent Energy Network, High Speed Train Safety, Agricultural Internet of Things and Future Network Technologies, etc.

2011-05-05 more+

Byrne and Company CEO Visited SARI

On April 20, 2011, Byrne and Company CEO Thomas A. Byrne paid a visit to SARI. Prof. SHI Jiping from the Bio-refinery Lab of Center for Sustainable Technology received the Byrne, and held a meeting with him . Relevant experts from Shanghai Jiaotong University, East China University of Science and Technology and Shanghai Ocean University also attended the meeting.
Mr. Liu Jianzhou from Department of International Cooperation and Dr. WANG Liang from Bio-refinery Lab introduced SARI’s development plan and research progress of the Bio-refinery Lab respectively . Mr. Byrne introduced Byrne and Company’s research activities around micro-algae technology area. The attending researchers and experts conducted deep discussion around the energy utilization methods of micro-algae, process economy and feasibility plan, etc.

2011-04-28 more+

Delegation from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Visited SARI

On April 8th, 2011, a delegation from The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil led by Prof Sérgio álvaro de Souza Camargo Jr. visited our institute. Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of CAS received visitors and held a meeting with the delegation.
Firstly, Prof. JIANG Biao extended warm welcome to the delegation and introduced SARI’s status quo and future plan. Dr. Habert appreciated the warm reception and introduced The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and its ongoing programs. Prof. HE Tao, Director of Membrane Materials and Separation Engineering Lab, Prof. GUO Fang, Director of Center for Nanomedicine and transformational medicineintroduced the research and development trend in their respective fields.
After that, the two parties conducted in-depth exchanges of ideas in such areas as status and prospects of Science and technology, the R&D of membrane technology and nanomedicienas well as technology transfer, etc. Initial common ground for cooperation in some areas had been achieved.
Researchers from areas of Energy and Environment, and Life Sciences in SARI also attended the meeting. 

2011-04-12 more+

CEO of Macmillan Publishing Group Visited SARI

On March.8 2011, a delegation from Macmillan Publishing Group led by CEO Ms. Annette Thomas paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, received the visitors and held a meeting with the delegation. Researchers from Divisions of Life Science, Energy and Information in SARI attended the meeting. 
Prof. FENG Songlin expressed his warm welcome to the delegation and introduced SARI's major research areas as well as its future development plan. Ms. Annette Thomas appreciated Prof. FENG’s warm welcome and the development of SARI. She discussed Macmillan’s development plans and expressed Macmillan' interest to cooperate with SARI in related fields. Prof. FENG Songlin pointed out that SARI looked forward to conducting in-depth cooperation with the world famous publishing group and Nature in the future.

2011-03-09 more+