Exchange & Visit

Representatives from Shell Visited SARI

On December 2, 2010, a delegation from Shell led by Dr. Alexander W. van der Made, Manager Group External Research Projects, visited SARI. Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice Director of SARI, received the visitors and held a meeting with the Shell team. 
The two parties reviewed the previous collaboration projects and also explored future collaboration areas. Dr. Alexander introduced Shell’s recent research activities about future energy technology, and hoped to cooperate with SARI and other institutions and policy-making organizations to better promote the research project. Prof. SUN spoke highly of the research and discussed in detail with Dr. Alexander regarding some related topics. 
After the meeting, Dr. Alexander paid a visit to Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park and the Lab of Low Carbon Energy Transformation Technology Center.

2010-12-03 more+

Delegation from Poland Visited SARI

On November 22, 2010, a delegation of fourteen members from Poland led by Andrzej Pieczonka and Jerzy SMOLIK visited SARI. Prof. FENG Songlin, Director of SARI, held a meeting with the delegation.

  On November 22, 2010, a delegation of fourteen members from Poland led by Andrzej Pieczonka and Jerzy SMOLIK visited SARI. Prof. FENG Songlin, Director of SARI, held a meeting with the delegation.
  Prof. FENG welcomed the Poland team and briefly introduced SARI and its development plans. Andrzej Pieczonka from Consulate General of the Republic of Poland expressed his thanks for SARI’s warm welcome, and introduced the delegation members. Beata POTERALSKA, Head of the Department from Institute for Sustainable Technologies National Research Institute (ITeE-PIB), introduced ITeE-PIB’s research activities and cooperation projects. Members from both institutes discussed in further detail about some topics of common interest around information public safety and environmental protection, and explored the future collaboration opportunities.
  Director of Academy-Locality Department Prof. QIAN Wenguo, Director of Public Safety Center Prof. ZHANG Hongjun and Micro-Nano Device Center ZHANG Zhaofeng, et al attended the meeting.  

2010-11-23 more+

Urban Futures and Human and Ecosystem Wellbeing Symposium

Urban Futures and Human and Ecosystem Wellbeing Symposium was held from Oct.26 to Oct.30, 2010 in Shanghai. This Symposium was jointly sponsored by the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE).

Urban Futures and Human and Ecosystem Wellbeing Symposium was held from Oct.26 to Oct.30, 2010 in Shanghai. This Symposium was jointly sponsored by the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE).
  The symposium through simultaneous workshops covered a range of themes related to sustainable urban futures, such as Eco-city planning, Urban, rural and natural systems, Urban heritage, Ecological architecture, Urban governance. It brought together scientists, researchers, planners and managers who are concerned with and committed to creating urban ecosystems that are conscious of their local, regional and global ecological footprints, economically vibrant and socially entrepreneurial; and those who can draw from the global heritage of urban pasts and presents to build city futures that are sustainable and ready to face the challenges of mitigating and adapting to climate change.
   UNESCO-MAB is an interdisciplinary and intergovernmental programme launched in 1971 and dedicated to research, education, experimentation and learning to simultaneously promote human and ecosystem well-being. The symposium also served to reinvent the urban ecosystem mission of the UNESCO-MAB Programme and its partners that include SCOPE, CAS and others with the purpose of facilitating collaboration among researchers and practitioners to promote energy-efficient, low emission cities that are centres of social enterprise, cultural creativity and human wellbeing. Through their networks, the partners seek to promote action-research and learning in partnership with UNESCO biosphere reserves to experiment and test conditions for the development of vibrant ecological economies that continuously strive to minimize urban carbon footprints.  
  Prof. Yonglong Lu awarded SCOPE-ZHONGYU Prizes (Life Achievement Awards on Environmental Sciences and Young Scientist Awards on Environmental Issues) to some scientists during the opening ceremony of the symposium. This is the first time for SCOPE to award this kind of award.  
  Shanghai Declaration was issued on the closing ceremony of the symposium. The outputs of the symposium will help us to understand the problems we are facing today and to figure out the ways of strengthening the human capacity in the establishment of a sustainable eco-environment in the general contents of urbanization.

2010-11-02 more+

Chief Editor of SCIENCE visited SARI

October 12 2010 - Dr. Bruce Alberts, Chief Editor of SCIENCE and Professor of University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Richard Stone, Editor of SCIENCE in Asia-Pacific region and Mr. JIA Hepeng,Chief Editor of Science News, paid a visit to Shanghai.

  Shanghai, China – October 12 2010 - Dr. Bruce Alberts, Chief Editor of SCIENCE and Professor of University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Richard Stone, Editor of SCIENCE in Asia-Pacific region and Mr. JIA Hepeng,Chief Editor of Science News, paid a visit to Shanghai.
  Prof. FENG Songlin, Director of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences received Prof. Bruce Alberts at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and introduced SARI's current situation and future development plan. Prof. Bruce Alberts held a meeting with young scientists from SARI and SSRF. He introduced SCIENCE's way of evaluating papers and its future development, and encouraged young scholars to place more emphasis on paper's quality. He advised them to concentrate on science and research work and strengthen mutual communication and exchange of ideas to make greater contribution to China's and World's scientific course. After the meeting, the delegation visited the construction site of Pudong Science and Technology Park of CAS.
  Prof. Bruce Alberts is a world-famous scientist who used to be Dean of American Academy of Sciences and is a major contributor of the book named Molecular Biology of the Cell.

2010-10-13 more+

Delegation from PNNL Visited SARI

September 17, 2010 – Dr. Chuck Peden, Interim Director of the Institute for Interfacial Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Dr. George Muntean, Director of Transportation Program and Energy Conversion Initiative and Dr. Yong Wang, Associate Director of IIC, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Shanghai, China – September 17, 2010 – Dr. Chuck Peden, Interim Director of the Institute for Interfacial Catalysis (IIC) at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Dr. George Muntean, Director of Transportation Program and Energy Conversion Initiative and Dr. Yong Wang, Associate Director of IIC, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Professor Yuhan Sun, Vice Director of SARI, had a friendly meeting with the delegates. Prof. Xinhe Bao, Director of CAS Shenyang Branch and Member of the CAS and Dr. Yizhuo Han from the Institute for Coal Chemistry (ICC) and Deputy General Manager of Clean Energy Commercialization Company, also attended the meeting.
  In 2007, the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), ICC and PNNL jointly established the International Consortium for Clean Energy (ICCE) to develop innovative technologies for producing clean energy from coal. During this meeting, all parties from ICCE discussed the future development direction of ICCE. Dr. Lin Gao, Deputy Director of International Cooperation Department of SARI, made a presentation on SARI’s current status and future development plan, focusing on the research initiatives of Energy and Environment area. All participating parties agree that SARI’s research areas fit perfectly into ICCE’s development plan, and agree to add SARI as a member of the ICCE.
  Prof. Yuhan Sun expressed that SARI would actively promote the development of ICCE, and would collaborate with the other parties on clean energy researches, especially on areas such as CO2 utilization, new material energy and energy storage, aiming to promote the energy collaboration between China and US.
  After the meeting, the delegates from PNNL visited the construction site of the Pudong Science and Technology Park.

2010-09-20 more+

Director of Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine Sir Ian Wilmut Visited SARI

August 25, 2010 - Sir Ian Wilmut, Director of Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI), together with Chief Operating Office of the Center Bruce Whitelaw, President of Linx Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd Xu Xiaochun and Edinburgh University Representative in China Nini Yang.

Shanghai, China - August 25, 2010 - Sir Ian Wilmut, Director of Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI), together with Chief Operating Office of the Center Bruce Whitelaw, President of Linx Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd Xu Xiaochun and Edinburgh University Representative in China Nini Yang. President of SARI Feng Songlin, Vice President JiangBiao and Director of Nano-Medicine and Transfer Research Center Guo Fang met the visitors and arranged a meeting.
  On behalf of SARI, President Feng Songlin welcomed Sir Ian Wilmut, et al. Vice President JiangBiao briefly introduced the preparation progress of SARI, the construction of the Pu Dong Science and Technology Park, SARI’s Research Areas and International Cooperation Initiatives. Director Guo Fang made a presentation on the present status and future development plans of the Nano-Medicine and Tranfer Research Center. The SARI team then discussed with Sir Ian Wilmut, et al regarding the potential cooperation areas, such as stem cell research, medicine transfer and medicine research and development. After the meeting, Prof. Guofang and Sir Ian Wilmut, et al visited the construction site of Pu Dong Science and Technology Park.
  Sir Ian Wilmut is best known as the leader of the research group that in 1996 first cloned a mammal from an adult somatic cell, a Finnish Dorset lamb named Dolly. Dr. Wilmut is an English embryologist and has a distinguished record of ground-breaking biological research. In 2000, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and in the previous year was made a member of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II. Other awards include a fellowship in the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Lord Lloyd of Kilgerran Prize, etc. He was knighted in 2008.

2010-08-27 more+