Research Progress

Researcher Propose Solvent Effects on Metal-free Covalent Organic Frameworks in Oxygen Reduction Reaction
A research group at Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, represents the first investigation into the solvent effect on COFs for catalyzing the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). They found all COFs synthesized with different nitrogen atoms exhibited good crystallinity and high surface areas, but displayed different binding abilities towards water molecules.This work was published in Angew. Chem. In. Ed.

Researchers Develop an Adaptive NOMA-based Spectrum Sensing for Next Generation of IoT Networks
An international collaborative research team led by the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences proposed an innovative NOMA-based spectrum sensing algorithm for uplink IoT networks, which improves the efficiency of targeting frequency usage in multi-user systems.
Researchers Design a Novel Hollow-Fiber Cu Penetration Electrode for Efficient CO2 Electroreduction
A research team from the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences designed a Cu hollow fiber penetration electrode to electroreduce CO2 in strong acid with effective inhibition of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The results were published in Energy & Environmental Science.

Researchers Develop COFs Adsorbent for Efficient Gold Recovery
Most reported COFs have been focused on constructing hydrogen bond interactions inside frameworks to improve the adsorption capacity and gold selectivity, while the effects of intrinsic frameworks on gold capture are unproved.Recently, a research team at the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) developed a skeleton engineering of COFs for high-efficiency absorbs towards gold capture.The results were published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

Researchers Propose a Novel Approach for Dimensional Engineering of Covalent Organic Frameworks Derived Carbons
A research group led by Prof. ZENG Gaofeng and XU Qing at Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. HE Yue at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, used template-synthesis strategy to first put forward COFs derived carbons in different dimensions to catalyze CO2RR. The results were published in SusMat on Nov. 10.
Novel Approach for Single-Shot Characterization of Ultrashort Free-Electron Laser Pulses
the free electron laser team led by Prof. FENG Chao at the Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) proposed and validated a novel approach for single-shot characterization of ultrashort free electron laser pulses based on self-referenced spectral interferometry. The research results were published in Physical Review Letters.