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SARI Held Translational Systems Medicine Mini-Seminar

Endorsed by Shanghai Institute for Advanced Studies,CAS(SIAS-CAS)and organized by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, CAS(SARI-CAS), Translational Systems Medicine Mini-Seminar was held in SIAS and SARI from May. 7th to 8th. Prof. Leroy Hood, President and co-founder of the Institute for Systems Biology and Member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine of the United States; Prof.Robert Diasio, Director of Mayo Clinic Cancer Center; Prof.Thomas Brown, Chief Operating Officer of University of Arizona Cancer Center; Prof.Jing Cheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Tsinghua University School of Medicine; Prof. Qimin Zhan, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Director of the National Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Prof. Biao Jiang, Vice President of SARI attended this seminar and delivered their speeches respectively. Leaders and experts from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Sun Yat-sen University and Chinese National Compound Library also joined the seminar. 
On behalf of SARI, Prof.Biao Jiang extended warm welcome to all participants. He pointed out that translational systems medicine has become a heated topic all over the world. It is hoped that this seminar could serve as a good platform for all attendees to strengthen understanding and communication, making contributions to the development of medicine and health of human being.

 Prof. JIANG was delivering a speech

Prof. Leroy Hood delivered a speech titled "A Translational Medicine Institute Should Practice Proactive P4 Medicine", in which he illustrated "P4" mode, naming predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory. He put forward his insight about how to practice P4 medicine and pointed out that P4 Medicine would have revolutionary influence on medicine development.

Prof. Leroy was delivering a speech

Prof. Edward Lin and Prof. Qiang Tian, Deans of the under-constructing Center for translational systems medicine of SARI introduced the blueprint, necessity and feasibility of the Center. They hoped that the Center could make contributions to the development of translational systems medicine by absorbing talents and forging cooperation with world-renowned institutions from both home and abroad.

                          Group photo
 Prof.Robert Diasio, Prof.Jing Cheng, Prof.Qimin Zhan, etc. have made introductions of their respective institutes and exchanged their views on the development of translational systems medicine. Fruitful results and consensus on translational systems medicine have been made after heated discussion.

2012-05-10 more+

President YIN Hejun inspected Coal to Liquid Project of Lu'an Group

On May.8th, a delegation led by Prof. YIN Hejun, Vice President of CAS and Prof. WANG Yuechao, Director of Bureau of High-Tech Research and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited Shanxi Lu'an Coal to Liquid Co.,Ltd and held a conference with Mr. LI Jinping, President of Lu'an Group, Mr.WANG Anmin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lu'an Group and leaders from Institute of Coal Chemistry of CAS; Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of CAS and Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of CAS. Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI made a work report on the development of Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, which was co-founded by SARI and Lu'an.

Prof. YIN Hejun thought highly of the achievements made by Lu'an on the strategic development of "Twelfth Five-Year plan" and leapfrog development. In the meanwhile, he appreciated Lu'an Group for its trust on CAS and long-term support for institutes under CAS. He extended the hope that a platform of better quality for R&D, demonstration and communication would be built by company and academy to better complementary to each other.

2012-05-10 more+

Better Cities, Better and Prettier Underground Garbage Plants

  A few years ago, a government plan to build a garbage incinerator close to residential areas in Panyu District in Guangzhou City triggered a furor and the plan was scrapped due to strong opposition. 
  Building solid waste disposal plants near or inside cities has since been anathema in urban planning. But here in Shanghai, that's exactly where some planners would like to place such a facility. 
  Another eggheads' pipe dream, you might say, but Li Kexin is convinced that a downtown trash facility is the first step toward leveraging what he calls the "unit city" development strategy. Li is a senior local political adviser and head of the Low-Carbon City Research Center of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, jointly established by the Municipal Government of Shanghai and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  
  A unit city is made up of areas that are self-sufficient in localized garbage treatment and energy generation. In addition, people live and work largely within their confines, rendering obsolete long and arduous commutes between workplace and home. 
  Usually, urban garbage is carted away and dumped in faraway landfills, but limited land supply means this disposal method is unsustainable. Shanghai produces about 2,000 tons of trash a day, which makes its way to Laogang in Pudong, site of the city's biggest landfill, Li told Shanghai Daily. 
  However, as Laogang is overburdened, the city is hatching plans to build another landfill, maybe more, in its suburbs. This is ferociously resisted by local residents on public health grounds. And rightly so, asked Li: why can garbage produced in Huangpu District be dumped in Jiading, and for that matter, Jing'an's be hauled to Jinshan? 
  In response, maybe we can build an underground trash reprocessing plant in the expanse of People's Square opposite the municipal government headquarters, Li said. 
  "Many people ridicule my suggestion as absurd, but 10 years from now, they won't scoff anymore. It may well become a reality," he said. 
  A downtown trash facility isn't such an eyesore as many would have thought. Quite the opposite. It would be the best advertisement of Shanghai's trash disposal technology. After all, who would risk putting a scrap yard right under the mayor's nose if it's squalid and stinks? 
  Besides, garbage can be recycled and reprocessed for human use. "I often say the assertion that 'garbage is a resource dumped at wrong places' is wrong. What's really wrong is the location where we choose to have a disposal plant," Li said. 
  Li said he got this audacious idea from a recent visit to Tokyo, Japan, where he was stunned to find a corner of a park converted into a rubbish disposal facility, so beautifully constructed that it looked like a fairy tale palace, with not a whiff of stench. Later he learned that Tokyo was forced to handle its trash locally following protests from adjacent smaller cities against becoming the metropolis' junk fields. 
  For Li, utilization should come before disposal, and this principle applies to rainwater as well, which is simply discharged into rivers - a sheer waste of an otherwise useful resource. Why not make urban roads water-permeable, so that rainwater can replenish the aquifer, rather than threaten the oft-overwhelmed urban sewage system? Urban diseaseLocalization offers the best cure for many of the malaises known as "urban disease," all of which result from population pressure. China's urbanization rate stands at 47 percent. The number is expected to soar as 100 million rural dwellers will migrate to cities in the next 10 years. As cities grow in size to accommodate the new arrivals, their common strategy is to build satellite cities, linked with downtown by expressways. This development model has been criticized for creating more problems than it's solved. Explosive growth of cars for commutes leaves urban traffic severely snarled.Unit cities may address this predicament by encouraging - not ordering - people to go about their business in a fixed area, namely, the individual units.
  In order for that to happen, "units" must be designed for both working and living. Alas, many areas and districts in Shanghai are meant for specialized functions.
  For instance, the Lujiazui financial zone and Zhangjiang High-tech Park are bustling in the day but when night falls, they become deserted like ghost towns, Li said.
  The ultimate goal of forming separate units within cities is to mingle working and living. Besides, it's mandated by the fact that megalopolises face ever higher security risks. If one of Shanghai's pylons is sabotaged, half of the city will be crippled by a blackout. Imagine the consequences of the metro ceasing operation for 10 minutes, Li said.
  In a unit city, if every unit can generate some power for its own use, it is less vulnerable to massive power stoppages. Pioneering as it appears, the very idea of unit city is sometimes a hard sell, mainly because our urban planners haven't kept up with the times, Li said.
  Lujiazui may have been their pet project 20 years ago, but it won't stay advanced for ever. Urban planning has to constantly adjust to new conditions brought about by a fast changing economy.
  China's existing urban planning philosophy was imported from the Soviet Union, which stresses rigid "scientific" planning of everything. In the 1960s, the fad in urban planning was division of labor between districts. But any planning is inevitably influenced by market forces and the "division of labor" model gradually fell out of favor. The trend now is to mix different social functions in a given district or block, said Wang Jun, assistant researcher under Li.
  The underlying logic is roughly the same as what unit city endorses. Shanghai's urban planning model has to change, but how? It assigns clear-cut roles for districts and areas, for instance, Lujiazui is for finance, Zhangjiang for high-tech, Minhang for living and Jing'an for office work, with little crossover. How to break this entrenched model?
  Of course, commuting, refuse disposal, and energy and food production cannot be 100 percent localized. But we can at least localize sections of these enterprises.
  Li's ingenuous advice that is likely to be welcomed by housewives at a time of high inflation is to set up vegetable farms in the central city. This idea conforms to the current Western trend, which calls for cities to reduce reliance on the outside world for food.
  For instance, in Britain there is a coinage of the term "urban village." In Seoul, South Korea, people are planting wheat in outlying green belts. When autumn comes, the billowing wheat takes on a golden yellow, which is aesthetically pleasing and also contributes to Seoul's food supply, said Wang.
  Since seasonal vegetables are now available around the year, thanks to new planting techniques, children have a poor understanding of the climate differences between seasons, Li said.
  According to him, cities are theoretically space where people live their joy and sadness and experience the vagaries of life, but they are now meticulously designed to leave no room for human emotions other than materialist wants.Bike lanes For this reason, during a government meeting last Tuesday, he called for the creation of a slow-paced life zone in central Shanghai, which would require carving out a big chunk of territory that runs from west on Jiangsu Road to east at the Bund, from north on Nanjing Road to south on Huaihai Road. In the envisioned zone, bike lanes would outnumber highways, and life would be laid-back. People commute on foot and by bike.
  To be sure, that doesn't mean we should knock down the existing architecture to make way for an immense pedestrian mall. Neither can we turn the entire People's Square into a landfill. But it's always worth putting novel ideas to practice on a small scale, according to Li.
  And what used to be unthinkable is now made possible by the advent of sophisticated technologies. Take garbage. As long as officials change their mindset that it is a stigma to have a landfill in front of government buildings, the maturing of relevant technology is just a matter of time, Li said.
  His confidence is strengthened by technological breakthroughs in cloud computing and the "Internet of things," which could improve the efficiency of regulating trash disposal and rainwater gathering and sanitation.
  Nonetheless, what matters most is urban planners' attitudinal change. Many of China's cities are groaning under over-urbanization. By contrast, in Western cities like New York, urbanization has gone into reverse, a process whereby the haves live on cities' fringes and commute by car or public transport everyday. As a result, the population pressure in central cities is eased.
  "We hope Shanghai can skip this stage and reach the next phase of urbanization, which incorporates unit city at its core," said Wang. Source: Shanghai Daily, April 18, 2012 

2012-04-19 more+

Overall Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signed between CAS and SINOPEC

On April 10, 2012, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group) signed an overall strategic cooperation agreement and held the first steering committee meeting in Beijing. President of CAS Prof. BAI Chunli, former Vice President of CAS Prof. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of CAS Prof. YIN Hejun, President of Sinopec Mr. FU Chengyu, General Manager of Sinopec Mr. WANG Tianpu and Senior Vice President Mr. DAI Houliang attended the signing ceremony,
On behalf of CAS and Sinopec, President BAI and President FU signed the overall strategic cooperation agreement. The two parties also signed the working instructions of deepening the strategic collaboration and held the first steering committee meeting, during which the two parties decided to seek and undertake national major special science and technology projects of the following six fields: beam line station, thorium-based molten salt nuclear energy system, coal chemical industry and hydrogen production, sensor monitoring and protection of pipeline corrosion, carbon fiber and electric vehicles. Co-chiefs or project leaders will be in charge of the implemention of such projects and steering committee offices will be established under the steering committee, in which CAS's office will be set up in SARI.

2012-04-12 more+

Prof. JIANG Mianheng Met with Sony EVP

On March 22, 2012, a delegation led by Mr. Kubota Akira, Sony Corporation EVP and Sony China Chairman, paid a visit to SARI and attended the 2nd council meeting of SARI-SONY Image and Video Processing Joint Lab. Prof. JIANG Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch, received Mr. Kubota Akira and held a meeting with the SONY delegation.
Prof. JIANG extended a warm welcome to the delegation and congratulations on the achievements made by the joint lab. He pointed out that SONY is a world-renowned company and SARI is committed to becoming a world-class scientific and educational institution. The joint R&D activities fit well with the developing directions of both sides. He hoped that the two parties would enhance communication and cooperation to advance the technology in related areas through multi-level strategic partnership.
Mr. Kubota Akira introduced SONY and its development strategy in China. He expressed that SONY attaches great importance to Chinese market and vigorously seeks to establish cooperation with Chinese scientific research institutions. In the meanwhile, SONY is willing to undertake its social responsibilities through public welfare projects. The achievements made by SARI-SONY joint lab further shows the bright collaboration future for both sides in broader areas and it is hoped that this partnership would be enhanced through follow-up joint research projects. 
Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee of the Joint Lab Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Mr. Hori Masao, Deputy President of SONY Technology Development Group and members of the Technical Committee summarized the research progress of the Joint Lab, discussed the details in future projects, and provided constructive guidance for the direction of next-step research. 

2012-03-31 more+

Shanghai Jiao Tong University and SARI Signed Strategic Collaboration Agreement

  On March 2, 2012, the strategic collaboration agreement signing ceremony between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was held in Minhang Campus of Jiao Tong University. Mr. Zhang Jie, President of Jiao Tong University, and Mr. Feng Songlin, President of SARI, signed the agreement on behalf of the two parties. Ms. Yuan Wen, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Mr. Ming Ju, Infrastructure Department of Science and Technology Division of Ministry of Education, Mr. Lin Zhongqin, Executive Vice President of Jiao Tong University, Mr. Huang Zhen, Vice President of Jiao Tong University, and leaders from Department of Science and Technology, Department of International Cooperation and General Office of SARI attended the signing ceremony. 
  Mr. Zhang Jie and Mr. Feng Songlin addressed during the ceremony, saying that the signing of this strategic collaboration agreement is an important measure for following the guideline of national education and science and technology plan between Universities and Institutes, and for improving independent innovation capability. It is agreed that both sides would launch overall cooperation in five research areas, namely, physics, energy, information, life science and management, building a long-term collaboration mechanism, and advancing the effective exploration of “collaborative innovation”. 
  Mr. Chen Xiaoyuan, Director of Center for Solar Energy Research and Development of SARI, Mr. Xu Xuemin, President Assistant of Jiao Tong University and Biomedical Engineering College, Mr. Zhou Lin, Director of Antai College of Economics and Management, Mr. Mao Junfa, School of Electronic, Information and Electrical Engineering and Mr. Chen Xianfeng from the Department of Physics, attended the ceremony and shared their views regarding the future collaboration projects. 

2012-03-13 more+