News Update

CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee Deputy-Secretary Yin Yicui Inspected SARI

August 21 2012, CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee Deputy-Secretary YIN Yicui, Pudong New Area Party Secretary XU Lin, Governor of Pudong New Area JIANG Liang and other leaders from Shanghai Government inspected Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS), and reviewed the planning of Shanghai Tech University. Dr. JIANG Mianheng, President of Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch, attended the event.

Deputy Group Leader of the preparatory committee of Shanghai Tech University HUA Renchang and YIN Jie introduced the University plan. Ms. YIN Yicui thought highly of the preparation work of Shanghai Tech University.

Dr. HUANG Weiguang and Dr. WU Jiarui, Vice Presidents of SARI-CAS, presented on the Smart Low Carbon City System Technologies and Stem Cell Research Center planning and construction progress. Ms. YIN Yicui appreciated SARI’s scientific research work for its support to Shanghai’s innovation system construction and cultivation and development of Shanghai’s strategic emerging industries.
Ms. YIN Yicui also visited Shanghai Engineering Center for Micro-satellites, Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Research Center and City Intelligent Energy Network demonstration site, etc.

Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch Dr. ZHU Zhiyuan, Shanghai Tech University Graduate Education Program Chief Dr. GONG Jinkang, Shanghai Engineering Center for Micro-satellites Vice Director LIN Baojun, and researchers from Stem Cell and Nano-medicine Center and Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Research Center also attended the event.


2012-08-29 more+

Strategic Deployment Meeting of SARI was Held

On July 19th, 2012, Strategic Deployment Meeting of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) was held in SARI. Prof. FENG Songlin hosted the meeting. Members of the preparatory committee of SARI, Associate Researchers and higher level of scientific research personnel attended the meeting.
Prof. FENG kicked off the meeting by reporting the results of SARI's special acceptance and adjustment of scientific research and administration organizations. In the meanwhile, he also introduced the measures of energy-saving management in the park.

Prof. FENG Songlin, Prof. JIANG Biao, Prof. SUN Yuhan and Prof. HUANG Weiguang, members of SARI's preparatory committee introduced the strategy deployment spirit of SARI, with an emphasis on the development plan of the following nine scientific research areas: Low-Carbon City, Demonstration of Three-Network Convergence, Cooperative Design in Open Environment, Innovative Medical Imaging Equipments and Technologies, Targeted Medicine, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Low Carbon Energy System, City Intelligent Energy Network, Green House Gas and Environment Engineering.
During the meeting, the operation status of scientific research projects, technology transform, human resources, financial management, etc. are also reported. Leaders expressed their hope that SARI would make more contributions to regional and national science and technology, economy and social development through personnel selection reform and interdisciplinary cooperation to meet the target of new arising industry.

2012-07-20 more+

Ultra-Trace Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Analysis Lab Established

China is facing challenges in the monitoring data and testing organizations in terms of dioxin emission and pollution research. Therefore, it is of great importance to conduct the monitoring and detection of dioxin. At the moment, there is still a big demand domestically in terms of dioxin monitoring techniques and standards, and the one-time investment to the advanced dioxin ultra trace analysis testing equipment requires a big amount of money and professional analysis skills. For this reason, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) partnered with Taiwan Chungyu Ultra-Trace Dioxin Analysis Lab to carry out the construction of SARI-CAS’s Dioxin Testing Lab.
Through 9 months preparation, Shanghai’s first international standard compliant lab, the Ultra-Trace Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Analysis Lab was founded at Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The lab is equipped with advanced HRGC/HRMS from Germany and quite some relevant sample pre-treatment corollary equipment. The analysis cycle for dioxin samples can be shortened 3 to 7 days, far less than the common 21 days analysis cycle internationally. Starting from the very beginning, the lab strictly followed the regulations and requirements of national laws and national lab qualifications. With the training of metrology accreditation, the lab has established a young technical team with high level of dioxin analysis knowledge.
Currently, the Ultra-Trace Dioxin and Dibenzofuran Analysis Lab is already open to the outside, and has received the first analysis assignment with the samples from the industry, and the national metrology accreditation qualification certification is under application. The set-up of the lab will provide quick, accurate and reliable scientific data regarding the analysis and detection of dioxin in the solid waste combustion in Shanghai and other domestic areas, steel industry, non-ferrousmetal refinery industry, air and soil, food, and chemicals.

2012-07-20 more+

EPSRC Engineering Doctoral Summer School 2012 China Successfully Held

  From July 2nd to 4th 2012, the EPSRC Engineering Doctoral Summer School 2012 China, sponsored by EPSRC EngD Centre on Efficient Power from Fossil Energy and Carbon Capture Technologies, the University of Nottingham, and co-organized by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences was successfully held in Shanghai. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, Prof. Colin E. Snape, Director of Engineering Doctor Centre for Efficient Power from Fossil Fuels and Carbon Capture Technologies and Director of Energy Technology Research Institute of University of Nottingham, and Prof. WEI Wei, Director Assistant of ICC, attended the event. More than 30 PhD students from UK universities including University of Birmingham, University College London and University of Nottingham, and 30 PhD students from Chinese universities and institutes such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Southeast University, SARI, ICC, Qingdao Institute of Bio-energy & Bioprocess Technology, Institute of Rock & Soil Mechanics (IRSM) and Institute of Process Engineering, etc participated in the summer school.
  Prof. FENG kicked off the event with a welcome speech, in which he welcomed the students and faculty to SARI for the summer school event, and hoped that the students could have deep communication and discussion, contributing to the advancement of the development of clean fossil energy and low carbon technologies.

Prof. FENG delivering welcome speech
  Prof. SUN delivered a keynote speech titled “SARI’s solutions to Energy Challenge”, analyzed the energy challenges the world is facing and China’s energy distribution status, and introduced SARI’s research and demonstration projects around clean energy and low carbon technologies. 

Keynote Speech by Prof. SUN Yuhan
  In his keynote speech, Prof. Colin Snape introduced the recent UK and European developments in coal and gas, and explored the future of clean fossil energy. Shell’s Senior Principal Scientist Alexander van der Made shared his views from the global perspective regarding energy transition, analyzing the energy resource distribution and utilization in the west and east, and proposed the energy area cooperation direction between the east and west. Prof. Kaoru Fujimoto from the University of Kitakyushu also presented on the selective synthesis of LPG from synthesis gas, and briefed on its theory and history.
  The attending students showed great interest in the keynote speeches and discussed with the experts on several technical issues, and also made oral presentations regarding their own paper posters. During the group discussion session, each group used their knowledge and experience to explore energy strategies, and reported on their findings. The experts and teachers provided comments on the performance of the students, and presented awards to students with excellent performance.
  During the summer school event, the delegation also visited the labs of Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Research Center of SARI, and discussed with the researchers on relevant research topics. Through the extensive study and exchange of views, keynote speeches, lab visit and group discussion, students from UK and China deepened the mutual understanding, enriched knowledge of clean energy and low carbon technologies, and gained insight for their future research projects. 

Keynote Speech by Prof. Colin E. Snape

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Alexander van der Made

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Kaoru Fujimoto 

 Keynote Speech by Prof. Joe Wood

 Conference Room

 Group Discussion

2012-07-09 more+

Leaders from Shanghai Municipal Government Inspected SARI & Shanghai Tech.

June 28, 2012 – Mr. YANG Xiong, Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai, Mr. SHEN Xiaoming, Vice Mayor of Shanghai, and leaders from relevant departments and commissions of Shanghai Municipal Government inspected Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) and Shanghai Science and Technology University (under preparation). After visiting the Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsaellites and the City Intelligent Energy Network demonstration project of SARI-CAS, Mr. YANG Xiong and Mr. SHEN Xiaoming listened to the science and technology innovation report of CAS Shanghai Branch. Prof. JIANG Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch, attended the above-mentioned event.
The delegation visiting the City Intelligent Energy Network demonstration project of SARI-CAS
Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan reported on the science and technology innovation initiatives of CAS Shanghai Branch, in which he introduced the Shanghai Innovation Network based on the scientific and technological innovation hub of SARI-CAS and Shanghai Tech. It is also mentioned that CAS Shanghai Branch would, following the principle of “demanding oriented, innovation driven, key elements integration, and transformation development”, continue to serve for national development strategy, contributing to the construction of Shanghai’s innovation system, and promoting the cultivation and development of Shanghai’s strategic emerging industries.

Mr. YANG Xiong delivering a speech
Mr. YANG Xiong expressed his appreciation for the exploration and resolution in opening up and cooperation of CAS Shanghai Branch, and hoped that it could further arrange CAS’s diversified platform in Shanghai, supporting the innovation of Shanghai’s Science and Technology system and mechanism. Mr. YANG Xiong also praised the preparation work of SARI-CAS and Shanghai Tech., and pointed out that Shanghai will continue to support the construction of Shanghai Tech. Mr. YANG hoped that SARI-CAS would further enhance its independent innovation based on current achievements, thus becoming a major science and technology support power for Shanghai and assuming more important responsibilities.
Mr. SHEN Xiaoming pointed out that CAS Shanghai Branch is an indispensible scientific research team in Shanghai, and provided many insights for relevant industries and organizations with its demand-oriented, opening and collaborative research spirit. Mr. SHEN also proposed that SARI-CAS and Shanghai Tech. could take actions in areas of academy and local cooperation and talents recruitments, exploring new models for the integration of science and education.

Prof. JIANG Mianheng delivering his speech
Prof. JIANG Mianheng pointed out that the major science and technology innovations initiatives of CAS Shanghai Branch are based on the goal of leading strategic emerging industries, that CAS Shanghai Branch had the confidence to utilize its own advantages, collaborating with multiple resources in Shanghai to conduct diversified science and technology research and development frontier planning, aiming to take the forefront of the new round of world’s economic and scientific development, promoting shanghai leading role in the transformation of economic development patterns. Prof. JIANG hoped that SARI-CAS and Shanghai Tech. could contribute to Shanghai’s innovation driven transformational development in areas of talents cultivation and mechanism innovation.
Mr. SHOU Ziqi, Director of Science & Technology Commission of Shanghai, Mr. ZHOU Ya, Vice Director of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Mr. YIN Jie, Vice Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Mr. HUA Renchang, Command-in-Chief of the construction team of CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park, Mr. FENG Songlin, President of SARI-CAS, Mr. JIANG Biao, SUN Yuhan and HUANG Weiguang, Vice Presidents of SARI-CAS, et al, also attended the events.

The Delegation visiting the Emergency Response Project of SARI-CAS

The Delegation visiting the Emergency Response Project of SARI-CAS 

   The Delegation visiting the Pilot Project of Closed Inner Circulation Pyrolysis and Charring Technology under Hypothermia-Hypoxic Conditions

2012-07-09 more+

Drexel-SARI Center Unveiling Ceremony Held

On June 6th, the unveiling ceremony of Drexel-SARI Center was held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. JIANG Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch and Prof. John A. Fry, President of Drexel University, unveiled the Drexel-SARI Center plate together. Robert Griffiths Consulate General of the United States of America Shanghai, China, Philadelphia Orchestra President Allison Vulgamore, Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, Prof. JIANG Biao and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice Presidents of SARI, Prof. Mark Greenberg, Provost and Senior Vice President, Prof. Deb Crawford and Julie Mostov, Vice Provosts of Drexel, attended the event.

During his speech, Dr. JIANG thanked John A. Fry for what he had done to the successful establishment of the joint center and hoped that the center could inspire innovative young scientists to make more contributions and create a more prosperous world of bright future under the motto of "cooperation, innovation, dedication, contribution and inspiration."

President John A. Fry expressed his gratitude to President JIANG for the care and support to the construction of the joint center. He hoped the center could promote scientific communication and cooperation between SARI and Drexel University to better serve the society.
"SARI is committed to the original and integrated innovation of international scale while Drexel University owns rich educational and research resources. Through the platform, the two parties will carry out a series of collaboration on R&D and education. " Prof. FENG said in his speech. 

Robert Griffiths spoke highly of the cooperation between SARI and Drexel, and mentioned that US Consulate would provide all necessary support to encourage the cooperation between US and China. Allison Vulgamore stressed the importance of collaboration among research, education and arts, followed by a performance by musicians from Philadelphia Orchestra.
Drexel-SARI center is co-founded by SARI-CAS and Drexel University for the purposes of promoting visits of faculties and students, exploring joint research projects of commercial prospects, joint training of under-graduate and post-graduate students, Co-op, scientific training, seminars and other activities.
After the ceremony, the book release for the Chinese version of The Man Who Made Wall Street was held. The book, wrote by Dan Rottenberg, is about the life of the financial giant and founder of Drexel University Anthony J.Drexel.                                  

2012-06-07 more+