News Update

SARI Passed Acceptance Check

On November 27th, 2012, the Acceptance Check Meeting of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was held in Pudong New Area, Shanghai. President of CAS Bai Chunli and Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai Yang Xiong, President of CAS Shanghai Branch Jiang Mianheng, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Shen Xiaoming attended the meeting, which was chaired by CAS Vice President Shi Erwei.
The acceptance check committee listened to SARI's preparation progress report and the report of previous special projects acceptance check, reviewed and passed the acceptance check conclusion, followed by announcing SARI's first-term leadership and awarding individuals who had contributed much to the preparation work. Bai Chunli issued SARI's institute certificate, and unveiled SARI plate together with Yang Xiong.
On behalf of Shanghai Government, Yang Xiong expressed his congratulations to SARI for successfully achieving preparation goals and smoothly passing the acceptance check. Yang Xiong pointed out that mobilizing the resources of CAS and Shanghai to push forward the founding of SARI is an important measure to follow the spirit of The 18th CPC National Congress and National Science and Technology Innovation Conference. Yang Xiong said that SARI has become an integral platform to improve Shanghai's independent innovation capability, cultivating and gathering talents, providing great opportunities for Shanghai’s science and technology reform and industrial restructuring.
Bai Chunli, on behalf of CAS, expressed his sincere thanks to all the parties who offered supports during SARI's preparation. Bai Chunli mentioned in his speech that CAS and Shanghai Government have established a strategic partnership for a long time, and the founding of SARI serves as a role model for the deep integration of knowledge innovation system and regional innovation system, which would advance the academy-locality cooperation to a new level. 
According to 2008 CAS Leadership Meeting and the cooperation agreement between CAS and Shanghai Government, CAS and Shanghai Government made the decision to jointly establish Shanghai Advanced Research Institute. SARI pledges to engage in innovative researches and provide comprehensive solutions for the nation's emerging industries of strategic importance. By taking novel approaches that put in place elements of science, economics, education, finance, and culture, SARI is determined to grow into a world-renowned organization where creativity can thrive.
Currently, 150,000 square meters research facility construction has been completed and put in use, with 150 million Yuan worth research equipment in operation. SARI has established five research divisions, namely, Information Technology, Energy and Environment, Life Sciences, Space Technologies, and Frontier Studies & Advanced Materials, with around 800 staff consisting of talents from all over the world, and is competent of serving national strategy and supporting regional innovation system construction. SARI undertakes national major scientific research special projects, MOST 863 and 973 projects, and also innovation projects from CAS and Shanghai Government, also works closely with companies and academic organizations around the globe. SARI is joining forces with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Drexel University, etc. for advanced innovation and entrepreneurship training, collaborating with Shanghai Electric, Shell, Boeing, BP and Total, etc. on research projects, setting up joint research labs, joint venture companies or doing frontier science research. 
The attending leaders all provided positive comments to SARI's preparation work, and expressed their hopes for the future development. SARI would take acceptance-check as the opportunity, carrying the spirit of The 18th CPC National Congress, make real efforts based on the Scientific Outlook on Development, closely follow regional economic and social development, conducting new technology research and development, new products verification and new results transfer, better serving national strategy, serving Shanghai's innovation driven transformation and development, making consistent contribution in major basic, strategic and frontier innovation initiatives. 
Representatives from CAS Bureau of Planning & Strategy, Bureau of Capital Construction, Bureau of Academy-Locality Cooperation, Bureau of Planning and Finance, Bureau of Personnel and Education, Supervision and Auditing Bureau, Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, CAS Shanghai Branch and Shanghai Government, together with SARI researchers and management team attended the event.

 Conference Hall

President of CAS Bai Chunli 

Executive Vice Mayor of Shanghai Yang Xiong

Plate Unveiling

CAS Vice President Shi Erwei

Vice Mayor of Shanghai Shen Xiaoming 

2012-11-28 more+

SARI Successfully Co-organized “2012 Pujiang Innovation Forum” Industry Forum

The grand opening of 2012 Pujiang Innovation Forum, jointly hosted by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and Shanghai Municipal PeopleA's Government, was held in Pudong, Shanghai on November 3, 2012, with the theme of "2012 Industrial Evolution and Innovation Eco-System".
As a partner of this Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) co-organized one of the nine forums, the Industry Forum: New Technology, New Industry (Information Technology). Professor FENG Songlin, President of SARI-CAS chaired the sub-forum, Prof. WU Jiangxing, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the National Digital Switching System Engineering Technology Research Center, Mr. George S. Capen, Chief Technology Officer of Envisioneering, Mr. LIU Changle, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd., ZHENG Yelai, President of IT Production Line of Huawei Technologies, and Mr. Tsutomu Kamimura, Distinguished Engineer of Rational Chief Technology officer for Asia Pacific of IBM Software Group were invited as keynote speakers. During the session, the keynote speakers shared their views and thoughts regarding the development trend, integration application and new industry cultivation in information technology sector, and discussed with the audience around topics of interests.

Prof. FENG Songlin hosting Industry Forum of Information Technology
Academician WU introduced the technology "Visual Light Communications", which has drawn the attention from the whole world lately, in his speech " Green Info-communication shines over the land". He pointed out that Visual Light Communications is a strategic emerging industry, which deserved integrated support policy and capital input to push forward "overtaking around the Curve". From Prof. WU's perspective, Visual Light Communications is becoming a strategic emerging industry, which will help to upgrade traditional industry, cultivate emerging industry, innovate business mode and develop service industry. Currently, growing popularity of mobile communications has led to the problem of capacity limitation of wireless frequency resource. The discovery of "green light" is expected to overcome the bottleneck, and let people get access to the Internet in the area with light at any time as well as download and upload large-volume data. He also mentioned that this technology has received extensive attention in developed countries. For example, the EU has launched a plan called "OMEGA", the United States National Science Foundation also invested in its research and development. In China, national "863 Program " project to develop this technology has already been approved.

Academician WU is delivering a speech
Chief Technology Officer and E—Ring Consulting strategic planning Director of Envisioneering Mr. George S. Capen delivered a speech on The development trend of information technology and its impact on military and industry. He reviewed the development of information technology and made some prospects of the future development of information technology. He thought there would be several levels: human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, assistance in decision making, digital manufacturing, biological gene technology, etc.

Mr. George S. Capen from Envisioneering
Chairman and CEO of Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd., Mr. LIU Changle started his speech from talking about the new product release of Apple. He illustrated the challenges and opportunities Phoenix Satellite Television faced during the third industrial revolution with many vivid examples. He emphasized the importance of information technology such as cloud computing in the development of new media, and pointed out the key role talents and innovation would play in future media competition with a focus on introducing what Phoenix Satellite TV had done to train all-round media talents and the great impact it had on the development of Phoenix. He also outlined and presented the audience future new media's coverage in everyone's daily life.

Mr. LIU Changle from Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd
President of IT Production Line of Huawei Technologies Mr. ZHENG Ye addressed on the topic of "Adhere to R&D investment and customer-oriented innovation". In addition to the introduction of Huawei Technologies, he also made prospects of some technologies and products for future development in the field of Information Technology such as that application of cloud computing, large-volume data, etc.

Mr. ZHENG Ye from Huawei Technologies
After that, Distinguished Engineer of Rational Chief Technology officer for Asia Pacific of IBM Software Group Mr. Tsutomu(Tom)Kamimura discussed the topic of IT innovation, including the driven forces of IT innovation and the impact on some industries. In his opinion, open computing, including open standards, open structure, open source, is the key factor to drive IT innovation in the Internet Revolution. Tom also interpreted IT's impact on national defense by using IBM as an example and emphasized that the establishment of a powerful IT network ecosystem is the direction both for national defense technology platform construction and IBM development.

Mr. Tsutomu(Tom)Kamimura from IBM
The Q&A section in the end helped the audience better understand the topics covered in the forum and in-depth exchanges and discussions were conducted.

Q&A section

2012-11-23 more+

Strategic Collaboration Agreement signed between SARI and HNCC

    November 13th,2012 - Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a Collaboration Agreement with Henan Coal Chemical Industry Group (HNCC) Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd, under the witness of Deputy General Manager of HNCC Heavy Equipment Co., Ltd Mr. ZHAO Jianyang, President of SARI-CAS Prof. FENG Songlin, Deputy Director of S&T Department of SARI Mr. HUANG Yucheng and Director of Center for Service Sciences of SARI Prof. CHEN Xiaodong. 
    On behalf of SARI, President FENG expressed his thanks for HNCC's support and pointed out that this collaboration, which is market-oriented and let enterprise being the main part, would be an attempt of integrating production, education and research. Two parties should enhance the awareness of IP protection, including the protection of technology integration and business model innovation, in order to provide technology support for regional and national economic growth.
Mr. ZHAO Jianyang commented that this collaboration is a key point for central enterprises like HNCC to transfer from traditional manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing, in an effort to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries under the guidance of demand-oriented strategy. Based on a year's technology exchanges and on-site inspection, technicians from both sides have the confidence to live up to the expectation.

2012-11-15 more+

ShanghaiTech-SIAIS Professor Appointment Ceremoy for Prof. Roger D. Kornberg, Nobel Laureate

On November 12th, ShanghaiTech-SIAIS (Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies) Professor Appointment Ceremony was held at Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Mianheng Jiang, President of CAS Shanghai Branch, presented Dr. Roger D. Kornberg, winner of 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, an Appointment Letter of SIAIS Professor. 
Leaders of related departments of Shanghai Municipal government, heads of CAS Shanghai Branch as well as principals of ShanghaiTech were present at the ceremony, including Mr. Bojun Wang, Chief of Personnel Division of Organization Department of CPC Shanghai Committee, Mr. Xingfa Ma, Secretary-General of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Mr. Guoqing Fu, Director of the Basic Research Division of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Ms. Wei Li, Director of Planning Department of Shanghai Education Commission, Prof. Zhiyuan Zhu, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Mr. Zhenghua Li, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of CAS Shanghai Branch, Prof. Renchang Hua and Prof. Jinkang Gong, Leaders of ShanghaiTech University in Preparation, etc. Prof. Jie Yin, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission presided at the ceremony. Prof. Jiarui Wu, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), introduced the distinguished achievements made by Prof. Roger D. Kornberg in scientific research.
Prof. Mianheng Jiang awarded Dr. Kornberg the Appointment Letter of SIAIS Professor and extended a warm welcome to Prof. Kornberg’s participation. He pointed out in his speech that ShanghaiTech University would encourage a competitive academic environment to achieve not only the value chain of science, but also the value chain of economics. Prof. Kornberg expressed his deep gratitude and indicated that he would make a concrete contribution to SIAIS, ShanghaiTech in basic research with the international group. 
Afterwards, Prof. Kornberg delivered an academic lecture titled "The Molecular Basis of Gene Transcription" in which he clearly demonstrated how DNA was transcribed to mRNA by RNA polymerase II. Also, Prof. Kornberg mentioned that he would carry out research towards the mechanism and regulation of gene transcription at SIAIS, ShanghaiTech University.
Related institutes affiliated to CAS Shanghai Branch as well as more than 80 experts and postgraduates from ShanghaiTech University attended the lecture, exchanging ideas on genetics with the professor.
On the same day, Professor Kornberg paid a visit to Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and inspected research facilities in SARI. 
Roger D. Kornberg serves as professor of structural biology at Stanford University, School of Medicine with the emphasis on the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription. He is the winner of 2001 Welch Award in Chemistry, 2002 Gran Prix Charles-Leopold Mayer and 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.




2012-11-14 more+

Strategic Cooperation Agreement signed between SARI and East Hospital Affiliated To Tongji University

  On 18th September, 2012, the Strategic Cooperation Agreement was signed between SARI and East Hospital Affiliated To Tongji University under the witness of President of Tongji University Academician PEI Gang, President of East Hospital Affiliated To Tongji University Mr. LIU Zhongmin, Assistant to President of Tongji University Prof. SUN Fanglin, Vice President of SARI Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President of Shanghai Alliance Investment Ltd. Mr. SUN Xidong and Director of SARI Center for Stem Cell and NanoMedicine Prof. LI Lingsong. 
  The Agreement concerns about the joint research institute of Stem Cell and Nanomedicine tentatively named SARI,CAS-Tongji University Joint Center for Stem Cell and Nanometer tech Targeting Therapy Clinical Translation established between SARI Center for Stem Cell and NanoMedicine and Tongji University. East Hospital, the base of the joint center, will provide working places such as experimental research platform, outpatient service and bed ward to reach the goal of promoting the platform and advantages for clinical application of stem cell research fruits, a new mechanism of manpower sharing between key researchers and Ph.D supervisors of SARI and East Hospital Affiliated To Tongji University and postgraduate student source sharing by adopting double tutorial system, letting students get involved in joint research projects, etc to achieve scientific research fruits sharing.
  East Hospital Affiliated To Tongji University is a tertiary general hospital specialized in curing cardiovascular disease and tumor. The center will be set in South Branch of East Hospital and the unveiling ceremony will be held in November.

2012-09-20 more+

Grand Opening Ceremony of SIAIS

On October 12th, 2012, the inauguration of the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) of ShanghaiTech University was held in CAS Shanghai Pudong Science & Technology Park. The President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Dr. JIANG Mianheng, Shanghai Pudong New Area Party Secretary, Mr. XU Lin, Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, Dr. SHEN Xiaoming, and CAS academicians, Dr. RAO Zihe, Dr. SHEN Wenqing, and Dr. CHEN Xiaoya, et al. attended the ceremony. 
President JIANG presented Dr. Richard A. Lerner the Appointment Letter of Founding Director of SIAIS. In his acceptance speech, Dr. Lerner expressed his vision of making SIAIS a most prestigious world-class institute in immunochemistry and antibody research, and his plan of recruiting and training leading scientists from China and overseas. 

In president JIANG’s congratulation speech, he pointed out that China is currently experiencing a pivotal period of deepening the reform and opening-up and accelerating the transformation of the economic development path. He emphasized that science and technology are playing an increasingly important role in meeting various challenges of new energy development, environment protection, people's healthcare, and employment. President JIANG said that the current developing strategy of driven-via-innovation and grown-through-transformation sets a much higher standard for the researchers and scientists. The establishment of SIAIS is one of the critical steps by ShanghaiTech University to meet the demands of promoting science and technology and enhancing people's health in China. He believes that SIAIS could live up to the expectations and make important and significant contributions to the health of mankind.

The Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, Dr. SHEN Xiaoming, addressed in his speech that biological medicine is of essential importance to national well-being and the people's livelihood. Immunochemistry is the foundation of therapeutic antibody research, and an important scientific discipline in the discovery and development of new medicines. The establishment of SIAIS meets the need of the economic restructuring and innovation-driven development of Shanghai; it is an important step for ShanghaiTech University to achieve its initiatives of research and education integration, operative structure reform and innovation, and top level international scientific collaboration; it marks a significant milestone for ShanghaiTech University during its preparation.

Dr. FENG Songlin, President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS), addressed that SARI will continue the momentum in the preparation process, take advantage of the effective mode in cross-disciplinary scientific research and technology transfer, and work closely with ShanghaiTech University to make SIAIS a great success.
SIAIS, jointly founded by ShanghaiTech University and SARI-CAS, is dedicated to improving human health through scientific / academic excellence, multi-disciplinary crossing, and innovative drug discovery. The institute will focus on cutting-edge platform technologies, novel therapeutic targets, and scientific breakthroughs.

The vice president of SARI-CAS Dr. JIANG Biao introduced that the mission of SIAIS is to build a strong multi-functional and cross-disciplinary foundation to marry basic research with clinical studies; and medical applications with biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. SIAIS provides a stage for the top talents of innovation as well as a cradle for the future young talents of China. SIAIS will lead in the discovery and commercialization of novel antibody applications.
SIAIS is establishing a Young Scholar Foundation to select outstanding young scientists and students each year to attend famous universities or institutes in the U.S. and Europe. 

SIAIS-ShanghaiTech follows the Director Responsibility System with the governing body of The Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Committee. The Founding Director, Dr. Richard A. Lerner, is the former President of The Scripps Research Institute and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Medical Sciences, and American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Lerner's career in science is one of the most distinguished and decorated. His achievements and contributions are recognized worldwide. As a pioneer and one of the founding fathers in immunochemistry theory, he has developed almost every important research method and tool such as combinatorial antibody library approach, catalytic antibody approach, the intra-cellular combinatorial antibody library approach, etc. Dr. Lerner, together with Sir Gregory P. Winter, owns the patent for the world's largest drug on the market, the monoclonal antibody Humira. Dr. Lerner has already invited several famous US/Canada/UK scientists to join SIAIS.

2012-10-13 more+