News Update

SARI and Shanghai Electric “Gas Turbine Joint Research Platform” Annual Report and Exchange Meeting Held

On December 23, 2011, SARI and Shanghai Electric “Gas Turbine Joint Research Platform” Annual Report and Exchange Meeting was held in Jiading District, Shanghai.

  On December 23, 2011, SARI and Shanghai Electric “Gas Turbine Joint Research Platform” Annual Report and Exchange Meeting was held in Jiading District, Shanghai. Shanghai Electric Power Group Chief Engineer YUAN Jianhua, Deputy Chief Engineer XU Qiang, Shanghai Electric Group Deputy Chief Engineer YAO Erchang and researchers from Gas Turbine Research Institute, SARI’s Vice President HUANG Weiguang, Director of Department of Academy-Locality QIAN Wenguo, and researchers from Center for Clean Energy, attended the meeting.
  Dr. ZHANG Jingxuan from SARI and Mr. WANG Bin from Shanghai Electric Power Group introduced the implementation status of the annual research and development work, respectively. The leaders and technical follows conducted active discussion, and provided valuable input for the future development of the joint platform. During the meeting, researchers from both parties also introduced the on-going research projects, and explored the possibility of expanding the collaboration. After the meeting, the attendees paid a visit to the Jiading Experiment Base of the Center for Clean Power Technology Research of SARI.
  Meeting and Discussion
  Visit to Jiading Experiment Base

2011-12-28 more+

Director of INL Visited SARI

On December 5th 2011, a delegation from Idaho National Laboratory (INL), led by Director John Grossenbacher, paid a visit to SARI.

  On December 5th 2011, a delegation from Idaho National Laboratory (INL), led by Director John Grossenbacher, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Dr. Zhu Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Dr. Sun Yuhan and Dr. Huang Weiguang, Vice Presidents of SARI, received the INL delegation.
  The INL delegation visited the labs of Energy and Environment Division of SARI, and discussed with the researchers regarding various topics. Both sides then discussed the potential collaboration in energy and environment area, and reached some consensus on the hybrid energy system research.
  Dr. Jiang Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch, also met with Dr. John Grossenbacher and the visiting team. During the meeting, it is agreed that the world is facing serious environment challenges and increasing energy demands, that both sides should strengthen the discussion and collaboration to advance the communication of scientists, trying to provide a solution for future energy development and environment through hybrid energy system. 
  INL is a science-based, applied engineering national laboratory dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Energy's missions in nuclear and energy research, science, and national defense.

2011-12-07 more+

Joint Development Agreement Signed between SARI and Total

On November 30, 2011, a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) regarding Polygeneration Projects of CO2 Conversion and Application Technology was signed among SARI, Total Energie Development S.A.S (TED) and Shanxi Lu’An Coal Co., (Lu'An) in TED's headquarters in Paris, France.

  On November 30, 2011, a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) regarding Polygeneration Projects of CO2 Conversion and Application Technology was signed among Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Total Energie Development S.A.S (TED) and Shanxi Lu’An Coal Co., (Lu'An) in TED's headquarters in Paris, France.
  Earlier, a joint research center named Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center was established by SARI and Lu'An in an effort to promote the industrialization of Million-ton Coal-to-gasoline Poly-generation of Lu'An Group. Mr. XIAO Yaning, Deputy General Manager of Lu'An Group, introduced the ongoing projects, which aroused great attention of TED about the processing of Coal to Oil downstream products. Mr. Bernard Clement, Senior Vice President of TED Gas &Power Department expressed TED's interest in SARI and its collaboration with Lu'An, which made this JDA a prelude to substantial and extensive cooperation later on.
  During the visit, a delegation led by Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, had in-depth discussion with TED R&D Department of Carbon Chemical Technology in terms of low carbon technology and solutions toward CO2. After that, the SARI delegation visited the test device of CO2 Capture and Utilization Technologies in Chemical Cycling, which is jointly researched and developed by TED and Institut Francais Du Petrole (IFP). 
  Prof. Sun Yuhan (L), Mr. Bernard Clement(M), Mr. Xiao Yaning(R) signed the JDA

2011-12-07 more+

SARI, Shell, Shenhua and Lu’An Signed Collaboration Agreement

On November 14, 2011, The “Frontier Sciences” Memorandum of Understanding was signed between SARI and Shell Global Solutions International B.V. regarding the research and development of low carbon energy technologies, followed by the Signing Ceremony of the Four-Party Collaboration Agreement on the joint development of new-generation clean energy among SARI, Shenhua Group, Lu'An Group and Shell.

  On November 14, 2011, The “Frontier Sciences” Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Shell Global Solutions International B.V. regarding the research and development of low carbon energy technologies, followed by the Signing Ceremony of the Four-Party Collaboration Agreement on the joint development of new-generation clean energy among SARI, Shenhua Group, Lu'An Group and Shell.
  Dr. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of CAS and President of CAS Shanghai Branch, held meetings with top management teams of Shell, Shenhua Group and Lu'An Group before the Ceremony and emphasized that energy development is closely related with national economy, people’s livelihood and strategic security. The innovative R&D and cooperation between institutes and industry should be encouraged to better solve the problem of technology industrialization as well as contribute more to national energy development.
  Dr. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, hosted the meeting, and Dr. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, signed the agreement on behalf of SARI. According to the Agreement, the four parties will focus on the research and development of high performance nanocatalysts, aiming to control and evaluate catalysts' performance on a nanometer scale. The implementation of the project will help improve efficiency and reduce carbon emission, which also demonstrated SARI's certain international influence in the field of clean energy research.
  Dr. LIU Guiju, Deputy Director of Bureau of High-Tech Research and Development, CAS, remarked in her address that the Four-Party Collaboration was in line with the concept that research and development should be combined with upstream and downstream value chain CAS advocated for years, and believed that this collaboration will help contribute to energy security, environment protection and energy efficiency.
  Dr. LI Jinping, Board Chairman of Lu’An Group, appreciated SARI for providing an international platform for high-level innovation and cooperation, and believed that the four-party collaboration will be “joint efforts, joint fruits and win-win partnership”.
  Dr. ZHANG Yuzhuo, General Manager of Shenhua Group, pointed out in his speech that the collaboration would help to reduce our dependence on oil and achieve efficient conversion and clean utilization of coal and natural gas resources. Dr. ZHANG also expressed that Shenhua Group would leverage SARI’s R&D platform to conduct strategic cooperation with CAS on clean energy.
  Mr. Gerald Schotman, Chief Technology Officer of Shell, mentioned in his speech that the world is facing opportunities and challenges. Technology will help meet the challenges and only through collaboration can we advance the development of technologies. Shell appreciated the cooperation with SARI, Shenhua and Lu’An, and believed that this joint effort will push the technology forward to meet new energy challenges.
  ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch; SUN Xidong, Vice President of Shanghai Alliance Investment and researchers from Bureau of High-Tech Research and Development, CAS Shanghai Branch and Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center of SARI witnessed the Signing Ceremony.

2011-11-15 more+

JIANG Mianheng Inspected SARI’s Lab Construction

On October.28, Prof. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, inspected the construction site of SARI’s labs.

  On October.28, Prof. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, inspected the construction site of SARI’s labs, under the company of Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI and other staff from construction headquarters of CAS Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park, CAS and Shanghai No.7 Construction Co., Ltd. 
  Prof. JIANG visited lab of Centre for New Display Technology, lab of Centre for Micro-Nano Devices Research, Small Satellite workshop Assembly Shop and the molecular building under construction, and had offered a cordial greeting to the laboratory researchers and construction site staff. Prof. JIANG Mianheng thought highly of the construction progress and held great expectation for future work.
  Then, Prof. JIANG visited electric vehicle demonstration site in the Park and expressed earnest hope that SARI could achieve more in building a low-carbon, green and smart demonstration park.
  Prof. JIANG Inspected lab of Centre for New Display Technology
  Prof. JIANG visited electric vehicle demonstration site in the Park
  Prof. JIANG inspected molecular building under construction 

2011-11-01 more+

Strategic Collaboration Agreement Signed between SARI and CSST

On October 29, 2011, the Strategic Collaboration Agreement between SARI and China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc. (CSST) was signed in Shenzhen by Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Mr. TU Guoshen, PresidentChairman of the Board of CSST.

  On October .29, 2011, the Strategic Collaboration Agreement between Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Security & Surveillance Technology, Inc. (CSST) was signed in Shenzhen by Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Mr. TU Guoshen, PresidentChairman of the Board of CSST.
  Prof. FENG and Mr. TU addressed at the Signing Ceremony and both appreciated the collaboration in building smart cities and future prospects. The Ttwo parties visited CSST Industrial Park after the Ceremony.
  Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, Mr. QIAN Wenguo, Director of Academy-Locality Department and Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of SARI, and counterparts from CSST also attended the ceremony.
  Signing Ceremony
  Inspecting the Industrial Park

2011-11-01 more+