News Update

ShenHua Group Visited SARI

On July 20, 2011, a delegation from ShenHua Group Co., Ltd., led by Mr. WU Xiuzhang, Associate Chief Engineer and President of China ShenHua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd., visited SARI and its Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center.

  On July 20, 2011, a delegation from ShenHua Group Co., Ltd., led by Mr. WU Xiuzhang, Associate Chief Engineer and President of China ShenHua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd., visited SARI and its Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center.
  Representatives from ShenHua Group, Instutute of Coal Chemistry (ICC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences held a symposium in the New Technology Base of CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park. The symposium was hosted by Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI.
  Firstly, Mr. WU Xiuzhang gave an overall introduction of ShenHua Group and the development of technology of coal to liquid and chemical. Then, Mr. HUANG Tao, Deputy Director of General Office, introduced SARI's current situation and development progress. Prof. SUN Yuhan made a keynote speech on the development of Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, followed by an in-depth discussion about future cooperation between the two parties.
  After the symposium, Prof. SUN accompanied the delegation in visiting the Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Lab of SARI. Researchers from the parties had further exchanges of ideas on the efficient utilization of coal and the technology of coal to liquid and chemical.
  Those attended the symposium included Prof. WEI Wei, Director Assistant from ICC, Mr. LU Weimin, General Manager of Technology Department of China ShenHua Coal to Liquid and Chemical Co., Ltd. and other researchers from ICC and ShenHua Group.

2011-07-26 more+

Lu' An Group Visited Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center of SARI

On July 15 and 16, 2011, Shanxi Lu' An Mining (Group) Co. Ltd. (Lu' An Group) visited SARI and the Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, which is jointly established by Lu' An Group and SARI.

  On July 15 and 16, 2011, Shanxi Lu' An Mining (Group) Co. Ltd. (Lu' An Group) visited SARI and the Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, which is jointly established by Lu' An Group and SARI.
  On July 15, 2011, Mr. XIAO Yaning and Mr. HUANG Wei, Deputy General Managers of Lu' An Group, visited the Low Carbon Center, accompanied by Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI. Established in March 2010, the Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center focuses on the low carbon conversion and utilization of carbon-containing resources, and aims to provide both technical supports and low carbon solution for the development of alternative energy and chemical industry. Researchers from both sides discussed the focus of follow-up work after the field investigation of the construction process of experimental platform of low carbon center.
  On July 16, 2011, a symposium was held at the New Technology Base of CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park. Prof. SUN delivered the welcome speech and appreciated the long-term cooperation between the two parties. Mr. XIAO thanked SARI for its warm invitation and looked forwarded to future cooperation in coal resources utilization. Prof. HUANG Tao, Deputy Director of General Office, introduced the construction progress of SARI.
  After Prof. SUN Yuhan's keynote speech about the development of Low Carbon Center, representatives from both parties conducted in-depth discussion about next-step development priorities.
  Mr. GUAN Zhidao, Deputy Director of Shanxi Province Coal to Oil Leadership Office, Mr. WANG Dongfei, Deputy Director of Technology Center of Lu' An Group, etc. attended the symposium.

2011-07-20 more+

Symposium Held between ICC and SARI

On July 8, 2011, a delegation of middle and high level leadership and researchers from Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC), Chinese Academy of Sciences visited SARI. A symposium was held between the two parties, hosted by Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI.

  On July 8, 2011, a delegation of middle and high level leadership and researchers from Institute of Coal Chemistry (ICC), Chinese Academy of Sciences visited SARI. A symposium was held between the two parties, hosted by Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI. Those attended included Prof. WANG Jianguo, Director of ICC, Prof. CAI Rong, Secretary of the Party Committee and deputy Director of ICC, Prof. LI Jingping, Associate Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of CPC, Prof. WEI Wei, Director Assistant, etc.
  Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, delivered a welcome speech, in which he thanked ICC for its continuous support and appreciated the progress made in mutual cooperation.
  During the symposium, Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of SARI, introduced SARI's construction progress, short-term and long-term plans, and talent development strategy regarding "Innovation 2020". Prof. HOU Xianglin, deputy Director of Science and Research Department of ICC, introduced ICC's current situation as well as its plans in both short and long run.
  After the keynote speech, researchers from both sides conducted in-depth discussion around topics of common interests. Prof. CHEN Xiaoyuan, Director of Solar Energy Research and Development Center of SARI, Prof. PAN Wenhao, deputy director of Sustainable Technology Research Center of SARI, Prof. ZHU Zhihong from Clean Energy Technology Center and Prof. LIU Xiaohao from Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center introduced their research topics. Prof. LI Wen, deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of coal conversion of ICC, Prof. WEI Wei, deputy Director of Green chemical laboratory shared views on projects of Sino-Australia Cooperation with SARI researchers. The two sides also discussed the issue of mechanism innovation during the discussion. After the symposium, the ICC delegation visited the construction site of CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park.

2011-07-13 more+

SARI, Shell and Lu’An Signed Joint Research Agreement

SARI, Shell and Lu’An Signed Joint Research Agreement Novel “dry reforming” technology to produce syngas from methane and CO2.

   On 24 June 2011, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS), Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell) and Shanxi Lu’An Group (Lu’An) signed an agreement to jointly demonstrate a novel “dry reforming” catalyst that can use or recycle methane and CO2 to produce syngas, the key raw material for a wide range of chemical products and fuels.
   President of SARI-CAS Prof. FENG Songlin pointed out in his welcome speech that the three parties share the same mission of helping to meet the growing energy demand in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways, and that the signing of this joint research agreement signified another milestone of the partnership.
   Gerald Schotman, Chief Technology Officer of Shell Group, said: “I’m pleased to see this major step forward to broaden our partnership with SARI-CAS in R&D and technology demonstration and deployment. This novel technology, once proven successful on a commercial scale, can play an alternative role to the classical coal gasification process and create more market opportunities.”
   Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI-CAS said: “We are delighted to have this opportunity to once again partner with Shell in this joint project. With Lu’An as a new partner, I look forward to a fruitful joint demonstration of this new technology which can play a significant role in China’s future energy and chemicals landscape.”
   Mr. LIU Bin, Deputy General Manager of Lu’An said: “We are very pleased to cooperate with Shell and SARI-CAS in the catalyst scale-up and engineering research for CO2-CH4 reforming to synthesis gas, and to carry out a pilot test of the technology at Lu’An Low Carbon Economy Zone. We anticipate that we can provide a new efficient route to large-scale production of synthesis gas through trilateral cooperation, contributing to the development of coal-based chemical industry.”
   The new agreement follows a joint R&D programme run by Shell and Institute of Coal Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICC-CAS) in 2008 to 2011. The researchers studied the conversion of syngas to higher alcohols, where they saw a mixture of CO2 and methane as side-products.
   Using this new “dry reforming” catalyst, which is an application of nanotechnology, the joint research team recycled these side-products to produce syngas again. The catalyst stays active for a prolonged period of time, becoming a commercially attractive way to increase the process’ carbon efficiency.
   Under the three-party agreement, this novel technology will undergo a pilot test at a commercial site of Lu’An, before it can be made available to the market.
   Representatives from Science and Technology Department, International Cooperation Department and researchers in Energy and Environment Division of SARI-CAS joined the signing ceremony. After the ceremony, Gerald Schotman made a presentation titled “Taking the Industry to the Next Level”, and Prof. SUN Yuhan introduced Energy RD&D strategy at SARI-CAS. Participants from the three parties then conducted in-depth discussion regarding topics of common interests. 

2011-06-27 more+

Delegation from Shanghai Jiaotong University Visited SARI

On May 31st, 2011, Mr. LIN Zhongqin, Executive Deputy President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Mr. WU Dan, Deputy President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Mr. LIU Muqun, Director of Fiance Department and leaders from 211 project & 985 project, Human Resourses Department, Industry Research Institute and Science Research Institute, etc attended the meeting.

  On May 31st, 2011, Mr. LIN Zhongqin, Executive Deputy President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Mr. WU Dan, Deputy President of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Mr. LIU Muqun, Director of Fiance Department and leaders from 211 project & 985 project, Human Resourses Department, Industry Research Institute and Science Research Institute, etc attended the meeting. Prof SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, hosted the meeting.Mr. HUANG Tao, Deputy Director of General Office, gave a brief introduction of SARI. Then, Prof SUN Yuhan introduced SARI’s development strategy and characteristics. The two parties conducted in-depth discussion in such areas as park construction, research projects, technology transfer, graduates training, talent recruitment as well as the topic of combining education with scientific research and industry.

2011-06-02 more+

TOTAL General Management Visited SARI

On May 30th 2011, a delegation from TOTAL General Management, led by Gilles COCHEVELOU, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI).

  On May 30th 2011, a delegation from TOTAL General Management, led by Gilles COCHEVELOU, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI). Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, Prof. JIANG Biao and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice Presidents of SARI, received the visitors and held a meeting with the delegation.
  Prof. JIANG Biao kicked off the meeting with a welcome speech, hoping that the two sides would further advance the cooperation in the field of energy and environment through communication and discussion. Prof. FENG Songlin introduced SARI’s current situation and strategic plan as well as the status quo and development trend of China’s scientific research. Prof. SUN Yuhan made a detailed presentation on SARI’s RD&D activities in Energy and Environment area, and its cooperation with research institutes and companies from home and abroad.
  On behalf of TOTAL, Mr. Gilles COCHEVELOU, Vice President Learning, Education, University of TOTAL and head of the delegation, thanked SARI for the warm reception and hoped to further the cooperation with SARI in the field of energy and environment. Mr. Vincent SCHACHTER, Vice President Research & Development of TOTAL, introduced TOTAL’s R&D focus and business worldwide. He pointed out that TOTAL and SARI had common interests in the R&D of energy resources and looked forward to strategic cooperation in related projects.
  Researchers of Energy and Environment Department in SARI attended the meeting. Two parties had in-depth discussion about topics of common interest.

2011-06-01 more+