News Update

Leaders from Pudong New District Visited SARI

On March 14, 2011, Mr. XU Lin, standing committee of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Party Committee Secretary of Pudong New District and Mr. PENG Song, party committee member and deputy district governor of Pudong new district paid a visit to SARI and held a meeting with scientists in SARI.

  On March 14, 2011, Mr. XU Lin, standing committee of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Party Committee Secretary of Pudong New District and Mr. PENG Song, party committee member and deputy district governor of Pudong new district paid a visit to SARI and held a meeting with scientists in SARI. Mr. WANG Jianyu, Secretary and Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Mr. HUA Renchang, Chief Director of the construction of CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park, Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI jointly received the delegation.
  The delegation first visited the construction site of New Technology Base in Pudong Science and Technology Park. Mr. XU Lin appreciated the construction progress and proposed expectations for the second-phase construction. Then, a meeting, host by Mr. WANG Jianyu, was held between the delegation and scientists of SARI. Prof. FENG Songlin reported SARI's progress and Prof. HUA Renchang introduced the construction progress of Pudong Science and Technology Park. The presenting parties conducted in-depth discussion about academy-locality cooperation in terms of progress been made, experience to be learnt, problems to be tackled and solutions.
  Leaders from the following also took part in the meeting: Pudong New District Party Committee Office, Development and Reform Committee, Commission of Economy and Information Technology, Science and Technology Committee, Construction and Transportation Committee, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Environmental Protection and Health Administration, Planning and Land Administration, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park Administrative Committee and Zhangjiang Group, etc.

2011-03-16 more+

CEO of Macmillan Publishing Group Visited SARI

On March.8 2011, a delegation from Macmillan Publishing Group led by CEO Ms. Annette Thomas paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, received the visitors and held a meeting with the delegation.

  On March.8 2011, a delegation from Macmillan Publishing Group led by CEO Ms. Annette Thomas paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, received the visitors and held a meeting with the delegation. Researchers from Divisions of Life Science, Energy and Information in SARI attended the meeting.
  Prof. FENG Songlin expressed his warm welcome to the delegation and introduced SARI's major research areas as well as its future development plan. Ms. Annette Thomas appreciated Prof. FENG’s warm welcome and the development of SARI. She discussed Macmillan’s development plans and expressed Macmillan' interest to cooperate with SARI in related fields. Prof. FENG Songlin pointed out that SARI looked forward to conducting in-depth cooperation with the world famous publishing group and Nature in the future.

2011-03-09 more+

Vice President of AIS Visited SARI

On Feb.24 th 2011, Dr. Douglas R. Vogel, VP of AIS, paid a visit to our institute. Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of SARI, received him and held a meeting with visitors.

  On Feb.24 th 2011, Dr. Douglas R. Vogel, VP of AIS, paid a visit to our institute. Prof. CHEN Xiaodong, Director of Science and Technology Department of SARI, received him and held a meeting with visitors.
  Mr. LIU Jianzhou, Project Manager of International Cooperation Department, gave a brief introduction of SARI and outlined its five-year plan. Then, Prof. CHEN Xiaodong conducted in-depth discussion with Prof. Doug Vogel in terms of establishing international standard association of Internet of things in Agriculture, associate AIS, academic journals of Things of Internet as well as jointly setting post-doctoral station, etc.
  Currently, Prof. Vogel is a Chair Professor in Department of Information Systems of City University of Hong Kong. He has more than 40 years' experience in related fields with major research areas in the application and influence of information system in interpersonal relationship, group discussion, cooperation, intelligence management, etc.

2011-02-25 more+

JIANG Mianheng Met with Delegation from BP

On February 18th, Prof. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, received Mr. Iain Conn, Chief Executive, Refining and Marketing, and Executive member of the BP board of directors, in CAS Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park.

  On February 18th, Prof. JIANG Mianheng, Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences, received Mr. Iain Conn, Chief Executive, Refining and Marketing, and Executive member of the BP board of directors, in CAS Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park. Mr. CHEN Liming, President of BP (China) Holdings Limited, Prof. ZHU Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch, Prof. FENG Songlin, President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI) and Prof. SUN Yuhan, Vice President of SARI, also attended the meeting.
  JIANG Mianheng extended his warm welcome to Iain Conn and introduced SARI's activities and ideas on energy innovation, its mission and positioning as well as the technology layout of energy resources. Iain Conn expressed his thanks to JIANG Mianheng for his long-term support for the cooperation between the two parties and appreciated SARI's establishment and rapid development. The two parties conducted in-depth discussion about the development of the jointly established CECC, and reached initial intent for the set-up of a joint lab.

2011-02-21 more+

CRC CARE Managing Director Visited SARI

On January 22, 2011, Professor Ravi Naidu, Managing Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment. (CRC CARE), paid a visit to SARI.

  On January 22, 2011, Professor Ravi Naidu, Managing Director of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment. (CRC CARE), paid a visit to SARI. Prof. Vice Presidents of SARI JIANG Biao and Prof. SUN Yuhan received the visitors, and held a meeting with them. Scientific researchers from Sustainable Technology Research Center attended the meeting.
  Prof. JIANG Biao welcomed Ravi Naidu and the visiting team, and made a brief introduction of SARI and it's research and development activities in energy and environment area. Prof. Ravi Naidu introduced CRC CARE, its research fields, and its collaboration projects with other research institutes and multi-national companies. The two parties then discussed in further details around environment pollution evaluation and treatment, solid waste treatment, contaminated water and waste water treatment, and waste recycle and utilization, and research broad consensus regarding the potential collaboration research areas.

2011-01-24 more+

NTTC and Qishi Co-established Industrialization Demo Base

On Jan. 18, Shanghai National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Shanghai Qishi Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd. (Qishi) signed a strategic collaboration agreement.

  On Jan. 18, Shanghai National Technology Transfer Center (NTTC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Shanghai Qishi Technology Industry Development Co., Ltd. (Qishi) signed a strategic collaboration agreement, and held an opening ceremony for "National Technology Transfer Center of Shanghai Institute of industrialization demonstration Base".
  Jiang biao, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, and Pan Jinping, Xu Yong, Wong Takming, Shi Wenrong, the leaders of Minhang District Pujiang Town, with relevant department heads of NTTC, attended the agreement signing ritual and opening ceremony.
  Secretary Pan Jinping noted that “Pujiang Town had a rapid economic development in the past few years, and it mostly attributed to the collaboration between local enterprises, or the collaboration with local government or the enterprises out of Pujiang Town; It is the first time for a local private enterprise to sign a strategic collaboration agreement with CAS which is a national level scientific research institution; This initiative is innovative, exploring, and has a strategic meaning.”
  Jiang biao pointed out that “the new energy industry is one of most promising strategic developing industries; To cope with the international financial crisis, China takes the development of new energy and environment conservation industries as an important measure to restructure economy, transform the mode of development and improve global competitiveness, which has an important strategic meaning for China to promote sustainable economy and society; Accordingly, the development of new energy industries and low carbon economy and circular economy can not only promote economic social and ecological environment, but also make a contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions.

2010-01-21 more+