Exchange & Visit

Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Visited SARI

Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Prof. Ralf B. Wehrspohn visited SARI and delivered a keynote speech titled “Resource-intensive industries in a green economy: Scenarios for the chemical and polymer processing industry in Saxony-Anhalt” on September 17th, 2014.
Prof. Wehrspohn introduced Fraunhofer Society, the Central German Chemical Triangle and challenges for the chemical industry in Sachsen-Anhalt and Europe in his presentation and discussed with the attendees over the new feedstocks for the chemical industry in Sachsn-Anhalt and Europe such as Bioeconomy, Hydrogen Economy and Green Lignite Economy.  
After the presentation, Prof. Wehrspohn and Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan signed the MoU on behalf of GermanBioEconomy Cluster, the Cluster Chemistry/ Polymers Central Germany and SARI respectively. The two parties will find opportinities to forge cooperation in the field of microalgae and feedstock for the chemical and plastics processing industry and have agreed to organized a conference on alternative feedstocks in 2015.
                                                                       MoU Signing Ceremony

2014-09-18 more+

Delegation from Washington State Visited SARI

A delegation from Washington State of the United States visited SARI on May. 29th, 2014.
Professor Sun Yuhan, Vice President of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS), received the delegation and discussed with the visitors about the possible collaboration activities.
Prof. Sun warmly welcomed the delegation and gave a brief introduction of Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park and SARI-CAS. The delegation visited the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall and Low-carbon Conversion Center, and exchanged ideas with SARI’s researchers on low carbon development, clean energy, etc. 
                                                                                                                                                 Lab Visiting
                                                                                                                                             Group Photo

2014-06-03 more+

Delegation from Consulate General of UK in Shanghai Visited SARI

A delegation from Consulate General of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Shanghai led by Consul of Science and Innovation Mr. Tim Standbrook visited SARI on May. 29th, 2014.
Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan received the delegation and introduced SARI’s development strategy of energy and environment related area as well as its major international cooperation projects. Two sides exchanged ideas on global energy challenges and hot issues of sustainable development. The delegation thought highly of SARI’s strategy and vision, and hoped to forge closer ties to promote international scientific cooperation between UK and China. 
                                                                                          Lab Visiting

2014-06-02 more+

Nobel Prize Laureate Barry Sharpless Visited SARI

    K. Barry Sharpless, the 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) on June 16, 2014. Professor Jiang Biao, Vice President of SARI-CAS, and Professor Gong Jinkang, Vice President of ShanghaiTech University discussed with Professor Sharpless on chemistry related research and collaboration.
    Professor Jiang Biao introduced the overall plan of the CAS Pudong Science and Technology Park, and related research activities at SARI-CAS. Professor Gong Jinkang introduced ShanghaiTech and its international collaboration initiatives, aiming to build the education-research-industry collaborative innovation mechanism. Professor Sharpless congratulated SARI-CAS and ShanghaiTech for the fast growth and innovation vision, looking forward to building up the collaboration in research and education.
     During the visit, Professor Sharpless also visited the Green Chemistry Lab, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) and the Center for Stem Cells and Nano-medicine. 



2014-06-19 more+

French Delegation Visited SARI

    On April 24, 2014, Bernard Norlain, the president of the Comité d’études de la Défense Nationale and director of the Revue Défense Nationale, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and delivered an academic speech titled “The Nuclear Deterrence”. Feng Songlin, President of SARI, received the French delegation and hosted the seminar. Researchers and students from Tongji University, Fudan University, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies and SARI attended the seminar.
    In the opening address, Dr. Feng Songlin welcomed Bernard Norlain and the team to SARI, hoping that the academic exchange could enhance the understanding and facilitate the potential collaboration between both sides. Mr. Norlain expressed his thanks for the reception, and said he was very happy to have the opportunity to discuss with the researchers and students from China. During the presentation, Bernard explored the global nuclear issues, and shared his views about nuclear deterrence. The attendees then discussed with Bernard regarding nuclear safety, global nuclear situation, etc. 
    After the seminar, the attendees visited SARI’s science and technology exhibition hall. Dr. Feng introduced SARI’s research plan and relevant research initiatives.

Dr. Feng Songlin hosting the seminar

Mr. Bernard Norlain giving the presentation


Group Photo

2014-04-28 more+

SARI Held the Visiting Professor Awarding Ceremony and Academic Seminar

March 13, 2014, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized a seminar, hosted by Vice President of SARI Professor Sun Yuhan, with a keynote lecture by Professor Colin E. Snape from the University of Nottingham. More than 40 Researchers and students from ShanghaiTech University and SARI attended the seminar.
Colin Snape shared his story from a research fellow to professor, discussing his research in clean coal production, biomass conversion and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). The attendees were very impressed by Professor Snape’s lecture, and exchanged ideas with him regarding coal and CO2 emission, etc.
Professor Snape was recently awarded the CAS Visiting Professor for Senior International Scientists. President of SARI Professor Feng Songlin presented the Visiting Professorship Certificate to Professor Snape, who will work with the SARI counterparts to jointly push forward relevant research work.

Awarding Ceremony

Academic Seminar

2014-03-17 more+