News Update

Shell Delegation Visited SARI

On November 26, a delegation led by Prof. Gert Jan Kramer, Manager Energy Futures in Shell’s Projects & Technology Organization, visited SARI and gave an academic lecture on “The Energy Transition: The Journey Towards a Low-Carbon Energy System”. Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan received the delegation and hosted the lecture. Researchers from energy and environment related areas in SARI as well as some professors and students from ShanghaiTech University joined the event.
Prof. Sun warmly welcomed the delegation and thanked Prof. Gert Jan Kramer for taking the time out of his busy schedule to deliver a lecture for young researchers. Prof. Kramer analyzed the topics of changes in the world's future energy changes, sustainable energy development of China and Shell’s energy strategy in a macro perspective, and had a heated discussion with the audience about Shell's energy strategy, prospects of renewable energy and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage(CCUS).

After the lecture, Prof. Kramer exchanged ideas on hybrid energy systems with related researchers in Low Carbon Center and visited the lab.

2013-11-28 more+

The 1st COPSEE International Conference Successfully Held in SARI

    The first COPSEE International Conference of Big Data, co-organized by SEARCH’XPR and CAS Data, hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institution (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was held in the conference hall of SARI, in Nov 22, 2013.

Address from President Feng

Address from Chairman Olivier FIGON

    This international conference, focused on the discussion of data collection, storage, sharing, data-mining and application, had drawn attention of the top researchers and business executives related to Big Data. As a support to this international conference, Dr. FENG Songlin, President of SARI, made an opening speech, and officials from the Business and Technological departments of the French General Consulate of Shanghai attended the conference.

Keynote Speakers
    In terms of technology development trend, various experts shared their opinions. Mr. Yannick LEGRé from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) highlighted the challenges and opportunities in the context of data explosion. Prof. Chirine GHEDIRA from Université de Lyon introduced the intelligent distributed data storage solutions; Mr. ZHANG Feng from EMC analyzed the challenge & impact of different information infrastructure; Prof. Jean-Luc MARINI from SEARCH’XPR introduced a brilliant future of Big Data, with the application of cognitive psychology on the analysis and prediction of customer emotion and behavior.
    In terms of industry applications, experts from key industries also provided very insightful speeches. Mr. NING Dejun introduced the ambitious smart city project with support of Big Data technologies; Mz. WANG Mingmin from Oriental Cable Network (OCN) and Mr. CHEN Yunwen from SHENDA presented the latest projects of their content recommendation system based on the database of customer behavior. Mr. ZHAO Xiaohui from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport introduced the Big Data project of aviation industry in order to keep up with the major challenges of flight data integration, multi-user interface and the global regulation requirements. Mr. Olivier FIGON presented the latest technology of Big Data analysis, in order to shorten the period of consumer decision making, and increase the impulse of purchase.
    The COPSEE conference adopted various ways to encourage all kinds of interactions between the speakers and audience. During the online broadcast and on-site roundtables, experts and professors from China’s top universities including ShanghaiTech University, Fudan University,The Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, etc, and executives from top Chinese and global companies had a comprehensive discussion on the development of Big Data, and discussed the possible collaboration regarding big data.


Group Photo

2013-11-25 more+

SARI-KITECH Joint R&DB Lab Unveiling Ceremony Held

On November 15th 2013, the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology delegation, headed by President Dr. Kyoung-Hoan Na, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI), Chinese Academy of Sciences. President of SARI Dr. Feng Songlin received the KITECH delegation, accompanied by International Cooperation Department representatives and relevant researchers. The MoU Agreement Signing and SARI-KITECH Joint R&DB Lab Unveiling Ceremony were held at SARI.
SARI and KITECH started to explore cooperation opportunities in early 2012, and launched two joint projects this year. The collaboration teams from both sides reviewed the exchange and cooperation process, and introduced the latest progress of the two joint projects and future research plan.
Dr. Feng Songlin welcomed Dr. Na and the KITECh team to SARI for the joint R&DB Lab Unveiling Ceremony. After hearing the two projects reports, Dr. Feng praised the efficiency of the cooperation between the two parties and said he believes that the joint research will yield great results. Dr. Feng pointed out that the setup of the Joint R&DB Lab is a milestone for collaboration, and said he hopes that both sides could better utilize the platform for better collaboration, jointly pushing forward the commercialization of the research results, and setting up a role model for Sino-Korean cooperation.
Dr. Feng and Dr. Na signed the Joint R&DB Lab MoU Agreement, and unveiled the Joint Lab nameplate on behalf of both sides.
After the unveiling ceremony, Dr. Na and the KITECH team visited the Joint R&DB Lab and the Opto-Electronic Engineering Center, and discussed with the researchers on some research topics.

Meeting and Discussion

Signing Ceremony

Unveiling Ceremony

2013-11-19 more+

Shell Delegation Visited SARI

On November 15th 2013, a delegation from Shell led by VP Innovation Dr. Thijs Jurgens visited SARI. Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan received the delegation and held a meeting with the visitors, accompanied by relevant researchers from the Low Carbon Center. 
Prof. Sun expressed warm welcome to the delegation and introduced the progress of SARI-Shell joint research projects, especially the latest progress made in Shell-CAS Frontier Science Program. Prof. Zhao Tiejun and relevant researchers from the Low Carbon Center presented on the joint research projects updates. Dr. Thijs Jurgens was impressed by the achievements SARI has made so far, and thought that the partnership with SARI is not only friendly but also fruitful, hoping to build closer ties with SARI to jointly push forward the technology development in energy-related area.
The delegation visited the Low Carbon Center after the meeting and the two parties exchanged ideas on ongoing projects.

Meeting and Discussion

Lab Tour

2013-11-18 more+

BP Technical Advisory Council Visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute and ShanghaiTech University

On November 13th, a delegation from the Technical Advisory Council of BP Group (BP TAC) visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI) and ShanghaiTech University. Dr. Jiang Mianheng, President of CAS Shanghai Branch and Chairman of the Executive Committee of ShanghaiTech, met with the delegation. Dr. Sun Yuhan and Dr. Huang Weiguang, Vice Presidents of SARI, Dr. Yin Jie, Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee of ShanghaiTech and other representatives from the university and the institute joined the meeting. 
The group visited the virtual presentation of Thorium Molten Salt Reactor Cave System and the Low Carbon Energy Conversion Center. Professor Sun introduced SARI’s research initiatives in Energy and Environment area and some international collaboration projects.
Dr. Jiang Mianheng welcomed the delegation and introduced the mission of CAS Puodong Science Park and ShanghaiTech, followed by presentation by Dr. Gong Jinkang, memember of the Executive Committee of ShanghaiTech, who elaborated on the integration of ShanghaiTech and SARI and the concept of the innovation value chain of Pudong Science Park. 
The participants discussed the value of cooperation between Chinese universities/research institutes and international companies, as well as the significance of efficient cooperation in the energy field. 
BP TAC is composed of senior professors and scientists from world-renowned universities and research institutes. BP TAC’s charter is to advise BP Group Technology and in turn the BP Executive Team on the adequacy and alignment of BP’s technology programmes with its business strategies, and the funding, capability, organization, and effectiveness of BP’s Research & Technology resources overall. 

Thorium Molten Salt Reactor Cave System Introduction

Low Carbon Energy Conversion Center Visit

Meeting and Discussion

2013-11-15 more+

President of Royal Society Visited SARI

On September 15, 2013, Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society, Britain's national academy of sciences, and Tony Cheetham, Vice President of the Royal Society, paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Huang Weiguang, Vice President of SARI, received the Royal Society delegation, with relevant researchers from the Health Science Division of SARI attending the meeting.
Prof. Huang Weiguang welcomed Sir Paul Nurse and the Royal Society delegation to SARI, introduced SARI’s science and research activities and strategic development plan, pointed out that SARI focuses on interdisciplinary research and integrative innovation, dedicated to explore the development model that combines research, industry, education and application through domestic and international cooperation. Sir Paul Nurse thanked SARI for the reception, and expressed that the Royal Society delegation aims to improve collaboration and cooperation between China and United Kingdom through this visit to China. Sir Paul Nurse mentioned that science plays an important role in culture and civilization, and he hoped that both sides could explore cooperation mechanism, jointly improving the state of human kind and protecting the environment. Both sides also discussed on the ways to promote interdisciplinary research, encourage the interaction between science and industry, and also exchanged ideas of cooperation in joint projects and personnel exchange.
After the meeting, the Royal Society delegation visited the Center for Stem Cell and Nano-medicine of SARI and Shanghai Institute of Advanced Immunochemical Studies, and discussed with the researchers on related research topics.



2013-09-18 more+