News Update

Shell Award for Excellence Ceremony Held in SARI
On January 12th 2016, the review meeting and award ceremony of Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation were held in SARI.
SARI Got Silver Award in CIIF
The project “CO2-CH4 reforming to CO and H2” was awarded the Silver Award by the 17th session China International Industry Fair. It uses CO2 as carbon resource and reduces its emission, providing technology support for China’s low carbon energy strategy.

Shell Leadership Visited SARI
A delegation led by Projects & Director of Shell Mr. Harry Brekelmans paid a visit to SARI on October 14th, 2015. SARI’s President Feng Songlin, Vice President Sun Yuhan, and relevant researchers received the delegation.

SARI Cooperates with German Partners on Green Chemistry
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Halle (Fraunhofer IWM) and Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company (Huayi) on September. 24th , 2015, regarding joint conferences on the subject of Alternative rawmaterials for the chemical and plastics-processing industry.

SARI and UoN Agree to Establish Joint Research Center
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a Framework Agreement with the University of Nottingham (UoN) to establish a joint research center on September. 23rd , 2015.

Cooperation Agreement Signed between SARI and Shanghai Hongkou District Government
Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Shanghai Hongkou District Government on June 18, 2015.