News Update

Israel EOC Delegation visited SARI

  May 15 2013, a delegation from EOC & InSightec, headed by H.E. Ehud Olmert, visited Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS). The two parties generated full discussion and agreed with the future cooperation under the health-care area. Professor Wu Jiarui, vice president of SARI received the Israel delegation and held a meeting with the visitors. 
  Before the meeting, director of CSS, Professor Chen Xiaodong took a tour with the delegation to Center for Service Sciences (CSS). Delegation members discussed with the researchers on relevant research topics. H.E. Ehud Olmert were highly interested in digital health and congratulated on CSS’s achievements on health-care IT system, m-health, and elderly care and community care systems.
  Professor Wu expressed his warm welcome to the Israel delegation, and introduced SARI’s development progress, research areas, future development plan and collaboration with international partners. H.E. Ehud Olmert addressed his acknowledgement and introduced EOC. Vice director of international cooperation division-SARI, Mr. Liu Jianzhou presented a full introduction. Professor Chen Xiaodong, Professor Chen Qun (director of Center for High-end Medical Imaging Technology) and Professor Liu Kai presented on research orientations in their own realm, respectively. Dr. Jackob “Kobi” Vortman, CEO founder, president and Chief Technology Officer of InSightec introduced the company that received CE mark in Europe and US Food and Drug Administration approval for its technology. He highlighted InSightec’s Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology in his presentation.
  Mr. Roni Karie, Vice President and CFO of InSightec, Mr. Shalom Tourgeman, Foreign Policy Advisor to Former Prime Minister of Israel and Senior Advisor of EOC and Ms. Stephanie Wu, EOC Representative in China were also present. Director of international cooperation division-SARI, Dr. Gao Lin and other researchers from CSS attended the meeting.
  EOC is an international consulting company registered in Israel. The company was founded in 2009 by H.E. Ehud Olmert who served as the 12th Prime Minister of Israel. The Company provides its consultancy services in the strategic economic and business spheres including investments, financing, etc. EOC is focusing on the areas of energy, infrastructure, agriculture, internet, high-tech and medical devices, homeland security, etc.
  Tour to Center for Service Sciences
  Tour to Center for Service Sciences
  H.E. Ehud Olmert and Professor Wu Jiarui exchange the souvenir

2013-05-20 more+

Signing Ceremony Held for Biomedicine and Biotechnology Innovation Research Center of CAS Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park

    On May 23 2013, the Energy Supply Cooperation Signing Ceremony for Biomedicine and Biotechnology Innovation Research Center of CAS Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Park (Biomedicine Base) was held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS).
    SARI and China Huadian Corporation Shanghai Branch (Huadian Shanghai) reached an agreement on “Biomedicine Base” project energy supply and industry-education-research platform construction. Relying on the energy center that supply energy to Shanghai Tech University, Huadian Shanghai will provide energy supply to the Biomedicine Base, and reserve a place for a small gas turbine for the industrial demonstration of SARI’s small gas turbine.
    During the meeting, Huadian Shanghai introduced the project background and project plan. The two parties discussed in details on the cooperation, both feel confident about the future collaboration. After the meeting, Vice President of SARI Huang Weiguang and Deputy General Manager of Huadian Shanghai Bi Jianhua signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of respective parties.
    Vice President Huang Weiguang, President Assistant Li Hua, Director of Logistics Department Huang Tao, and representatives from Clean Energy Center of SARI, Huadian Shanghai Deputy General Manager Bi Jianhua, Director of Planning and Development Fang Yong, and Project Manager Jia Li attended the event.


Singing Ceremony

Group Photo

2013-05-30 more+

SARI and Shell Frontier Science Project Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

  On March 28th 2013, a delegation from Royal Dutch Shell, led by Executive Committee Member and Director of Projects and Technology Dr. Matthias Bichsel, Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China Mr. Huibert Vigeveno, and Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President Innovation and R&D Mr. Gerald Schotman paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and attended the SARI-Shell second-batch Frontier Projects signing ceremony. CAS Shanghai Branch President Jiang Mianheng, Executive Vice President Zhu Zhiyuan, Vice Presidents of SARI Sun Yuhan and Jiang Biao attended the event. 
  The Shell delegation visited SARI's Low Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering Center, Dr. Sun Yuhan gave an overview of SARI and introduced the Center's research areas and development plan.
  Dr. Bichsel and the Shell team also reviewed the Frontier Science Projects Posters, accompanied by Dr. Jiang Biao, with project leaders introducing each joint frontier research project. Dr. Bruce Levell, Shell's Vice President of Emerging Technologies and Chief Scientist made a keynote presentation titled “Future Energy and Emerging Technologies”, in which he introduced China's energy system, global energy network and Shell's future energy technology projects, and also introduced the Frontier Science projects between Shell and CAS.
  On behalf of both sides, Dr. Sun Yuhan and Mr. Schotman signed the second-batch frontier projects, and the two parties discussed on strengthening future cooperation.
  In his remarks, Dr. Bishsel pointed out that as an international energy company, Shell needs technology and innovation, and the most effective way for technology advancement is through joint research. Shell attaches great importance to the cooperation with China in energy sector, and hope that both sides could achieve more fruitful results through long term cooperation.
  Dr. Jiang Mianheng thanked Shell for collaborating with SARI, pointed out that China requires sustainable development and energy security, improving energy efficiency and developing clean energy technology. The Frontier Science projects are dedicated to frontier science research, it is hoped that both sides could provide solutions for future energy and environment problems through cooperation, pushing forward the advancement of technology and energy security by combining research, education and industry, making due contribution to realizing China Dream and the World Dream.
  Signing Ceremony 
  Group Photo 
  Lab Tour 

2013-04-07 more+

SARI Held Resources and the Environment Seminar

  On March 8 2013, Resources and the Environment Seminar hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS), was successfully held in Shanghai. Director Wang Lei of the Resources and Environment Department of 21st Century Agenda Management Center from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Global Environment Department Vice Director Zhang Jiutian, et al, and researchers from SARI’s Energy and Environment Division attended the seminar. The seminar was hosted by Professor Sun Yuhan, Vice President of SARI. Vice President of SARI Jiang Biao, Director of Science and Technology Development Division Qian Wenguo, and Director of Greenhouse Gas and Environment Engineering Center Wei Wei, et al joined the discussion.  
  During the seminar, Wang Lei and Zhang Jiutian introduced MOST’s work plan in resources environment and greenhouse gas area. Leaders and experts in SARI’s Low Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering Center, Sustainable Technology Development Center and Greenhouse Gas and Environment Engineering Center also joined the discussion and exchange. 
  The attending experts spoke highly of SARI’s achievements in Energy and Environment sector since the start of its preparation, and hoped that SARI could make further progress. Under the guidance of MOST and CAS, it is hoped that SARI could work together with other research institutes, jointly conducting strategic and fundamental projects, pushing forward the development of resources and environment technologies. 

2013-03-13 more+

Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering Passed Assessment

  January 16th, 2013--Experts from Bureau of High-tech Research and Development and Bureau of Planning and Finance of Chinese Academy of Sciences jointly organized an on-site review of Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering applied by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Experts composed of academician Bao Xinhe, academician Zhao Dongyuan, Professor Wang Jianguo and other well-known experts in related field listened to the laboratory work reports and academic reports, inspected the lab, reviewed relevant documents and conducted in-depth discussion about the laboratory's orientation with lab researchers. It was agreed by the Expert Review Panel that the Lab had met the fundamental requirements as a CAS Key Laboratory and can start its construction. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Liu Guiju of Bureau of High-tech Research and Development of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Deputy Director Pan Feng of Bureau of Planning and Finance of Chinese Academy of Sciences and President Feng Songlin of SARI-CAS attended the meeting. 
  Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering is the first CAS Key Laboratory under construction of SARI. Faced by the demand for low-carbon hybrid energy system, the Lab focuses on research and development of core technology and technology integration of the green carbon conversion and utilization of carbon-containing resources such as natural gas, biomass and coal, and aims to provide both technical supports and low carbon solution for the alternative energy and chemicals. In the past 3 years, the laboratory has made impressive progress in Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane to Produce Syngas, Synthetic Oil in FT Slurry Bed Reactor, Mixed Alcohols Synthesis from Syngas and Methanol, Membrane Catalyzed Reaction and Separation. Some of the results are ready for pilot work. The lab has undertaken a total of 27 projects from 973 Program, 863 Program, National Key Technology R&D Program, National Natural Science Foundation, Strategic Leading Projects of CAS, international energy companies ( such as Shell, BP and Total ) and domestic energy companies ( such as Shenhua and Lu'an Group). 
  Experts and leaders form CAS thought highly of the progress and achievements made by the Lab. In the meanwhile, they put forward requirements and expectation for its future development. Lab researchers expressed their gratitude to the leaders and experts, and promised to take advantage of this opportunity to make contributions to the disciplinary construction and talent cultivation of low-carbon energy and China's energy and chemical industry. 

2013-01-23 more+

SARI Hosted “2012 China Smart City Summit”

The Grand Opening Ceremony of 2012 China Smart City Summit, guided by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Informationization Advancement Department of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China and Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informationization, hosted by Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Smart China Co., Ltd., Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute, and organized by Internet of Things-Smart City Media Institution, was held on December 14. CAS Shanghai Branch President Jiang Mianheng, Vice Mayor of Shanghai Ai Baojun delivered opening address, congratulated on the opening of the summit and wished the event a great success. The Opening Ceremony was hosted by President of SARI Feng Songlin.
The summit, with the theme of “China’s Smart City Construction and Application”, is dedicated to providing a platform for communication and integration of various participants from the government, industry, education and research institutes and end users. The summit also proposes to integrate production elements and innovation resources driven by science and technology resources, establishing the model of “Science and Technology + Industry”, with science and technology innovation and industrialization application as the main body, practicing the combination of industry-education-research, building smart city innovation industry chain. The attending experts agree that collaborative innovation based on the whole supply chain of smart city shall be the solution, realizing the overall match from the standards to application to achieve the construction goal of smart cities. The summit emphasizes on the five key words, namely, standards, integration, innovation, collaboration and application, all with positive realistic meaning.
During the summit, SAIR, Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute, and Smart City Information Technology Co., Ltd. announced the strategic cooperation, and in order to strengthen the global collaboration in smart city construction area, SARI and Institut Mines-Telecom also signed Smart City International Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.
The summit also arranged a round table panel discussion to promote the extensive exchange among government, research institutes and enterprises. Smart city evaluation index system 2.0 was released, which is an updated version based on system 1.0 published by Shanghai Pudong Smart City Development Institute last year. A proposal for establishing China Smart City Industry and Application Promotion Union was also formally brought up during the event.
2012 China Smart City Summit enjoyed great popularity with 300 participants joined the discussion, including leaders from the government, universities and industry. The leaders and experts explored the new strategies, new thoughts, new models for creating smart cities and were well-received by the audience.

2012-12-28 more+