News Update

2013 Summer Camp successfully held

To promote its influence among China’s key universities and attract more outstanding students, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences(SARI-CAS) organized “2013 Summer Camp” from 15th July to 19th July. This Summer Camp attracted 372 students from Fudan University, Wuhan University, Jilin University, Nanjing University, Dongnan University, Shandong University, Sichuan University, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, among which nearly 80 students were chosen to attend the Summer Camp.
President Feng Songlin attended the opening ceremony on 16th July and expressed warm welcome to all the students on behalf of SARI. He introduced SARI’s background, history and characteristics and expected more outstanding graduates would join SARI in the future. Vice Director of S&T Development Department Meng Yan introduced SARI’s nine key research areas.

In the afternoon, the students visited SARI’s S&T Showroom, Low Carbon Energy Conversion Technology Center, Service Science Center, Bio-refinery Science Lab, CIEN (City Intelligent Energy Network) Demonstration and tried its Electric-Vehicle(EV)based on the comprehensive power supply of hybrid wind/photovoltaic. 

The next day, Vice President Wu Jiarui, Researchers Wang Hui and Yang Hui well illustrated SARI’s key research areas: Health Science, IT and Chemistry & Chemical Industry; how to apply for CAS graduates and its future prospects. Vice President Sun Yuhan was invited to make a speech of “Green Energy of Pan-Pacific”, which aroused great interest from students about resource features of China and North America, and a win-win solution to achieve low-carbon world.

On July.18th, Mr. Ning Dejun, Director of Smart City Research Center and former CTO of IBM Greater China delivered a speech on “life as a researcher in SARI”, in which he combined his own experience to tell the students how to form good habits when doing technological researches and how to stick to one’s dream. 

Prof. Gong Jingkang from ShanghaiTech University gave a brief introduction of the University’s background, characteristics and joint-training program with SARI.

Summer Camp Get-together in the afternoon pushed the event into the climax. Students took this great chance to showcase their fabulous performance such as singing, dancing, martial arts, etc. 

On the last day, experts from SARI were divided into three areas to interview the 60 students, trying to find excellent students for SARI’s 2013 Postgraduate Program.
Students spent a nice time in SARI. They not only got to know SARI, but also experienced postgraduates’ daily life. This Summer Camp experience is sure to be unforgettable to all the attendees.

2013-07-25 more+

SARI Held “Degree Evaluation Committee Establishment and Committee Member Appointment Meeting”

On June 13 2013, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences held the Degree Evaluation Committee Establishment and Committee Member Appointment Meeting, hosted by SARI’s Vice President and Vice Chairman of the Degree Committee Professor Sun Yuhan.

Prof. Sun Yuhan hosted the meeting
Sun Yuhan first announced the opening of the meeting, and then Vice President and Chairman of the first Degree Committee Prof Jiang Biao announced the Notice on Establishing the First Degree Evaluation Committee, introduced the roles and responsibilities of the Committee, and hoped that the committee members could seriously shoulder the responsibilities, playing a positive role in improving and strengthening graduate degree granting work. Jiang Biao pointed out that as a newly established institute, it is of vital importance to emphasis and strengthen the science and technology ethics construction of supervisors and graduate students, and stressed the significance of experiment original records, all the committee members should set a good example, strictly follow the work ethics, avoiding plagiarism. After the speech, Jiang Biao issued letter of appointment to all the committee members.

Prof Jiang Biao announced the Notice on Establishing the First Degree Evaluation Committee
Professors Wang Hui and Zhu Yan spoke on behalf of the committee members, expressed their thanks for the trust and felt the burden on their shoulders. Graduate students are becoming an importance force for science and technology development, it is the mission of the committee members to help set up a good learning environment, training the students with innovation and entrepreneurship, to be recognized by society.

Prof. Wang Hui

Prof. Zhu Yan
President of SARI Professor Feng Songlin made the closing remarks, pointing out that SARI is going right on track after the acceptance check, and the establishment of degree committee signifies the independent granting of graduate degrees at SARI. Feng Songlin hoped that the degree committee should not just judge by the papers published, but also focus on the real innovative results to measure the granting of degree and the merit students, thus forming the academic atmosphere of advocate science and respecting diversity of ideas at SARI.

Feng Songlin made the closing remarks
After the committee member appointment ceremony, the committee reviewed and agreed the Regulations on Tutors for PHD Students Appointment and Implementation Details of Graduate Degree Granting, and also reviewed and identified the appointment of SARI’s first PHD student tutors, and reviewed the degree granting of 2013 summer graduate students.

Group Photo

2013-06-17 more+

PANSTEEL Deputy General Manager Chen Yong Visited SARI

On June 5 2013, PANSTEEL Group Deputy General Manager Chen Yong paid a visit to Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Vice President of SARI Huang Weiguang, Director of Science and Technology Development Division Qian Wenguo, and relevant researchers from Clean Power Center and Energy Storage Lab attended the event.
Huang Weiguang welcomed the PANSTEEL delegation to SARI, and introduced SARI’s development milestones and research areas. Wang Shengmei, Zhang Haifeng presented several technical reports related with the collaboration with PANSTEEL.
Chen Yong introduced PANSTEEL’s history and development footprint, the resources advantages and challenges. He mentioned that both sides should strengthen the communication to start the collaboration as soon as possible. Both parties also conducted in-depth discussion regarding two technical topics of mutual interest and reach consensus.
After the meeting, Chen Yong visited SARI’s Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition Hall and Energy Storage Lab.

2013-06-18 more+

Lu Yongxiang Inspected SARI

On June 18 2013, Lu Yongxiang, 10th and 11th Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, inspected Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, accompanied by Zhu Zhiyuan, Executive Vice President of CAS Shanghai Branch.
Lu Yongxiang visited SARI’s science and technology achievement exhibition hall, low carbon conversion science and engineering center and Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites, and listened to the report of SARI’s overview. Lu Yongxiang pointed out that, during its preparation period, SARI took the target oriented strategy to deploy the scientific and research activities around the important national strategic directions, closely combining basic research with engineering, systematically pushing forward the development, making outstanding achievements along the way.
Lu Yongxiang stressed that innovation activities should emphasis on the frontier design, and the frontier innovation depends on the frontier thought. Lu Yongxiang hoped that SARI could take the advantage of relevant resources in the Yangtz Delta area, continuously working on the frontier strategy and system construction, making great efforts to national economic development and world science and technology advancement.
SARI’s leadership President Feng Songlin, Vice Presidents Sun Yuhan, Jiang Biao, Wang Ligen, Wu Jiarui, and director of the microsatellite engineering center Xiang Li Bin attended the event.
Lu Yongxiang also met with the inaugural graduate students of SARI, and encouraged the class to screw up the courage to go forward with innovative spirit and down-to-earth attitude, making contribution to national science and technology development.

Inspecting SARI’s Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition Hall

Inspecting Low Carbon Conversion Science and Engineering Center


Lu Yongxiang took a photo with SARI's 1st Graduates

Group Photo

2013-06-21 more+

2013 Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony of SARI Successfully Held

On the afternoon of 18th June, 2013 Postgraduate Graduation Ceremony of Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) was held in SARI’s G&A building. More than 60 people, including institute leaders, members of academic degree evaluation committee, tutors and all graduate students attended the ceremony. Prof. SUN Yuhan, Secretary of Party Committee and Vice President of SARI, hosted the ceremony. Students received diplomas from Prof. JIANG Biao, Chairman of academic degree evaluation committee and Vice Chairmen Prof. FENG Song and Prof. SUN Yuhan.

Prof. SUN Yuhan hosted the Ceremony

Prof. FENG Songlin delivered a speech in the first place. He expressed congratulations to the graduates and pointed out that graduates should continue the spirit they’ve learned in SARI’s construction process, that is the spirit of hardworking and innovation, when they step into the society. Prof. FENG also put forward his expectation that the students can make full use of their abilities to better serve the society and make SARI proud in later years.

President FENG Songlin giving a speech
Prof. JIANG Biao, Vice President and Chairman of academic degree evaluation committee, made the announcement of graduates of 2013 and outstanding students of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences for the Year 2012-2013.

Prof. JIANG Biao making the announcement

Award Ceremony
On behalf of all the graduates, WU Lei expressed gratitude to SARI and all graduate study supervisors for their support and thoughtful kindness. By reviewing his witness of SARI’s development, WU Lei felt proud of being a student of SARI and thought that all students should learn from the teachers’ meticulous attitude and motivate themselves to work harder.

Student Representative giving a speech
Prof. WEI Jianming, on behalf of all the tutors, thanked the graduates for their contributions for SARI.”Keeping faith, being responsible, working hard and having a Heart of Gratitude” is his ardent expectations for all students. Prof. WEI also hoped the students will care for SARI’s development no matter where they are and come back frequently. 

Prof. WEI Jianming making a speech on behalf of all teachers

Group Photo

2013-06-20 more+

International Symposium on Grand Challenges for the Integration of Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Biomanufacturing successfully held

On June3-4, 2013, the International Symposium on Grand Challenges for the Integration of Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Biomanufacturing – Look for Synergies, organized by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) and Drexel University was successfully held in SARI, Shanghai, China. This symposium was sponsored by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Drexel University, the Chinese Natural Science Foundation (NSFC), the Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society-Biomanufacturing Division, the International Society of Biofabrication, and Tsinghua Biomanufacturing Engineering Research Institute. The symposium was co-organized by Dr. Wei Sun, the Albert Soffa Chair Professor from Drexel University and Director of Drexel-SARI Center, Dr. Lingsong Li, Director of Stem Cell and Nanomedicine Center from Shanghai Advanced Research Institute and Dr. Yury Gogotsi, Distinguished University Professor and Trustee Chair from Drexel University. About a hundred of distinguished professors and researchers from China, USA, Japan, France and South Korea have attended the symposium. Dr. Zhonglin Wang, the academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Regents' Professor from Georgia Institute of Technology, Professor Sheng Ding from University of California San Francisco, Professor Jong-Young Kwak from Dong-A University, Professor Fabien Guillemot from University Bordeaux Segalen, Professor Yasuyuki Sakai from University of Tokyo, Professor Jiang Chang from China Academy of Sciences, Professor Yury Gogotsi from Drexel University, as well as other 23 leading scholars delivered the presentations on their latest research advancements in stem cells, nanomaterials and biomanufacturing.
In the opening ceremony on June3, Vice President Xu Zhang from Chinese Academy of Science of Shanghai Branch, Vice Provost Julie Mostov from Drexel University, and Vice President Jiarui Wu from Shanghai Advanced Research Institute addressed welcome remarks. Musicians from Philadelphia Orchestra gave a splendid performance. During the two-day meeting, invited speakers presented their cutting-edge research on Stem Cells, Nanomaterials and Bio-manufacturing, followed by in-depth discussions around of topics of common interests. Experts and scholars explored the grand challenges in relevant areas and the interdisciplinary collaboration opportunities. On the afternoon of June 4, the symposium attendees also visited the Drexel-SARI Center and the Stem Cell and Nano-Medicine Center of SARI.

Photograph of the whole attendees

  Vice President Xu Zhang addressing the welcome remarks

  Julie Mostov addressing the welcome remarks

Vice President Wu jiarui giving a speech

Professor Sun Wei giving remarks

  Players from Philadelphia Orchestra performing 

Professor Zhonglin Wang giving the presentation

Professor Yury Gogotsi giving remarks

2013-06-05 more+