News Update

Shell Award for Excellence-Inspiring Students for Energy Innovation

A delegation led by Shell CTO Mr. Yuri Sebregts visited SARI and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering “Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation” on April 22, 2015.

  A delegation led by Shell CTO Mr. Yuri Sebregts visited SARI and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) covering “Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation” on April 22, 2015. President Feng Songlin, Vice President Sun Yuhan and Wang Maohua received the delegation. 
  Prof. Sun Yuhan showed the delegation around CAS Key Laboratory for Low-Carbon Energy Conversion and Engineering and introduced SARI’s strategy in low-carbon energy conversion, followed by a brief introduction of CAS Pudong Science & Technology Park and SARI’s strategic layout made by Mr. Wang Maohua. Shell Vice President of Future Energy Technologies Mr. Chris Laurens delivered an academic lecture on the Future of the Energy System, which had attracted nearly 70 researchers and students to attend. 
  After the lecture, Prof. Feng Songlin and Mr. Yuri Sebregts signed the MoU of “Shell Award for Excellence in Energy Research and Innovation” on behalf of SARI and Shell. 
  SARI and Shell signed the Strategic Cooperation Agreement under the heading of "Frontier Sciences" on 27th April, 2013 for the exploratory research and emerging technology research and development in the area of energy and environment. This Award aims to stimulate and reward excellence in innovation and scientific exploration by Chinese PhD students in the field of energy and researchers engaged in the Shell Frontier Sciences Program.  
  MoU Signing Ceremony
   Mr. Chris Laurens's giving the lecture
   Conference Room
   Lab Visit 

2015-04-23 more+

International Workshop on Energy and Environment successfully held

International Workshop on Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities was successfully held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) on November 3 -4, 2014.

  International Workshop on Energy and Environment: Challenges and Opportunities was successfully held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) on November 3 -4, 2014. The workshop was jointly organized by SARI, ShanghaiTech University and Drexel University. President Mianheng Jiang, Vice President Jinkang Gong from ShanghaiTech University, President Songlin Feng, Vice President Yuhan Sun, Weiguang Huang from SARI, Dr. Julie Mostov, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives and Dr. Joseph B. Hughes, Dean of College of Engineering from Drexel University, as well as other experts in the related area attended this workshop.
  Hosted by Wei Sun, the Albert Soffa Chair Professor from Drexel University and Director of Drexel-SARI Center, the two-day workshop started with welcome remarks from President Songlin Feng, Vice Provost Julie Mostov and Vice President Jinkang Gong. Vice President Yuhan Sun and Weiguang Huang of SARI, Dean Joseph Hughes and Director Chuck Hass from Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering of Drexel University delivered keynote presentations on low-carbon energy solution in China, city intelligent energy network (CIEN), the north American energy revolution and urban wastewater management, followed by technical presentations from researchers of SARI, ShanghaiTech and Drexel. The participants had in-depth discussions and communications on opportunities and challenges for energy and environment.
  After the workshop, the attendees visited Low-Carbon Conversion Center, Lab for Membrane Materials and Separation Technology and City Intelligent Energy Network Demo of SARI.
  Welcome remark from President Songlin Feng
  Welcome remark from Vice Provost Julie Mostov
  Welcome remark from VP Jinkang Gong
  VP Yuhan Sun gave keynote presentation
  Dean Joseph B. Hughes gave keynote presentation
  VP Weiguang Huang gave keynote presentation
  Director Chuck Hass gave keynote speech
  Group photo

2014-11-10 more+

MoU Signed Between SARI and the University of Nottingham

Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a MoU with the University of Nottingham regarding the cooperation on development of solid adsorbents for CO2 capture on September. 24th, 2014.

  Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS) signed a MoU with the University of Nottingham regarding the cooperation on development of solid adsorbents for CO2 capture on September. 24th, 2014.
  Associate President of SARI Mr. Wang Maohua and Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham Prof. Chris Rudd signed the MoU, witnessed by Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham Professor Sir David Greenaway.
   Signing Ceremony

2014-09-26 more+

Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Visited SARI

Director of Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials Prof. Ralf B. Wehrspohn visited SARI and delivered a keynote speech titled “Resource-intensive industries in a green economy: Scenarios for the chemical and polymer processing industry in Saxony-Anhalt” on September 17th, 2014.
Prof. Wehrspohn introduced Fraunhofer Society, the Central German Chemical Triangle and challenges for the chemical industry in Sachsen-Anhalt and Europe in his presentation and discussed with the attendees over the new feedstocks for the chemical industry in Sachsn-Anhalt and Europe such as Bioeconomy, Hydrogen Economy and Green Lignite Economy.  
After the presentation, Prof. Wehrspohn and Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan signed the MoU on behalf of GermanBioEconomy Cluster, the Cluster Chemistry/ Polymers Central Germany and SARI respectively. The two parties will find opportinities to forge cooperation in the field of microalgae and feedstock for the chemical and plastics processing industry and have agreed to organized a conference on alternative feedstocks in 2015.
                                                                       MoU Signing Ceremony

2014-09-18 more+

SARI Held the Visiting Professor Awarding Ceremony and Academic Seminar

March 13, 2014, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized a seminar, hosted by Vice President of SARI Professor Sun Yuhan, with a keynote lecture by Professor Colin E. Snape from the University of Nottingham. More than 40 Researchers and students from ShanghaiTech University and SARI attended the seminar.
Colin Snape shared his story from a research fellow to professor, discussing his research in clean coal production, biomass conversion and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). The attendees were very impressed by Professor Snape’s lecture, and exchanged ideas with him regarding coal and CO2 emission, etc.
Professor Snape was recently awarded the CAS Visiting Professor for Senior International Scientists. President of SARI Professor Feng Songlin presented the Visiting Professorship Certificate to Professor Snape, who will work with the SARI counterparts to jointly push forward relevant research work.

Awarding Ceremony

Academic Seminar

2014-03-17 more+

China CO2 Utilization Technology Assessment Conference Held at SARI

    China CO2 Utilization Technology Assessment Conference was successfully held in Shanghai Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI) from December 19 to December 21, 2013. By focusing on the discussion of China CO2 Utilization Technology Assessment Report, the conference aims to forge a good platform for experts from academia, industry and government to exchange ideas and provide constructive suggestions to the development of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in China. The conference is organized by Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST) and the Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21 (ACCA21), co-organized by SARI and Global CCS Institute (GCCSI). 
    Dr. Peng Sizhen, Deputy Director of ACCA21 announced the opening of this conference, followed by a welcome speech from Vice President of SARI Prof. Sun Yuhan.  
    The organizing committee invited Dr. Zhang Jiutian, Director of Global Environment Department of ACCA21, Prof. Li Xiaochun from Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics of CAS, Prof. Wei Wei from SARI, Prof. Huang Kaiyao form Institute of Hydrobiology of CAS, Prof. Michele Aresta from University of Bari, Prof. Sang-Eon Park from Inha University and Prof. Lin Qianguo from GCCSI as keynote speakers. The experts illustrated the current situation of CCUS from different perspectives and shared their views, which aroused heated discussion among the audience.  
    The attending experts and researchers also visited Low Carbon Conversion Center of SARI, Microalgae Utilization Base in Chongming Island and Biodegradable Plastics Plant Using CO2 in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. They exchanged ideas with relative researchers and all agreed that CCUS is an important topic for the research and development of sustainable energy to better deal with climate change and promote sustainable development.
                                                                   Opening Remarks
                                                                 Welcome Speech
                                                                Keynote Speech 1
                                                                   Keynote Speech 2
                                                                     Group Photo
                                                    Microalgae Utilization Base Visit 
                                                                 Taizhou Plant Visit

2013-12-25 more+